Chapter 5

270 8 14

Levy McGarden

I opened the door to my dorm using my key I was given beforehand, stepping inside the darkness of the room. My hands felt the wall before I found the switch and turned on the light on. The room immediately filled with light and I felt more calm at this.

I looked around the room. I asked if they could send my suitcase to my dorm room, even though it costed a bit of money to do so. But it's my parents that wanted for it to be sent in the first place. I was fine with carrying it myself, but they said that they wouldn't want me to hurt myself. Maybe it's because I'm frail.

But the suitcase isn't even that heavy.

Sighing, I closed the door behind me then saw that the suitcase was in the corner. I ran up to it then lifted it up onto the bed on the right side of the room.

I took out the hairband that I used to tie my hair up into a ponytail then zipped open my suitcase. There laid my clothes, neatly folded inside of it and all of my belongings were organized into sections. My clothes were on the top left, books on the bottom right and top right, then anything else in the bottom left. 

My phone vibrated in my pocket, scaring me. I took the phone out and turned it on, seeing the notification that both Jet and Droy texted her.


Ugh, just answer you fucking cunt! - Droy

I sighed, turning off my phone. Jet and Droy were my only friends and I've lived in their shadow even since I was younger. We called ourselves ''Shadow Gear.'' 

But as we grew up, both of them started to become rude towards me, and started calling me names.. it was like being bullied. 

I couldn't leave them though. I don't know why. Maybe it's because they're the only friends I have. Well, in real life anyways.

Trying to find an escape, I was browsing through the internet one day until I found a chat room where I met my two true friends. 

Their names are Gajeel and Romeo. If only I knew them in real life then I would be able to get away from Jet and Droy and their constant name calling and harassment.

Gajeel is about the same age as me. Romeo is four years younger me. I'm 17 and he's 13. But he's very mature for his age. When he's being serious that is, which he isn't most of the time.

I started to unpack my clothes but my phone vibrated once again. I steadily took it out again and read their spamming messages.


She's just a fucking little fuck Jet who cares anymore - Droy

I do! That whore needs to fucking reply to us! - Jet

My chest started hurting due to their words as I slowly typed in a response.

I'm sorry guys.. I was trying to find my dorm - Levy

Instantly, they messaged back.

It takes you that long to find your stupid ass dorm?! - Jet

I bet you were fucking someone like the whore you are haha - Droy

I took a deep breath and turned my phone on silent before placing it on the bed. I didn't want to deal with them anymore. I just arrived at a new school, a boarding school, because of my exceeding grades. I wanted to enjoy the moment since I was finally away from them. But it ruins my chances of meeting my online friends soon.

Everything just sucks. But it'll get better, hopefully.

I heard the door creak open and in came in a tall, beautiful teenager with cream skin and straight scarlet red hair. She had cocoa-colored brown eyes and there was a frown on her face that seemed to be stuck there since forever.

''Oh, um..'' I trailed off awkwardly, staring at her. Is she my roommate?

She didn't say anything and slammed the door behind her as she pulled her suitcase up to the bed at the other side of the room. I watched her as she zipped open her suitcase and began unpacking steadily.

''Um.. are you my roommate? Erza Fernandes?''

She turned to look back at me then reverted her attention back to unpacking. ''Who else do you think I am, dumb ass?''

My eyes widened. She's not friendly..

''A-Ah, um..'' I went silent, not being able to say anything back to her. She put her clothes into her dresser and started decorating her side of the room by hanging a painting on the wall on the side of her bed.

I frowned, slowly going back to unpacking my clothes. I set them into my dresser then put all of my books into the bookshelf. 

Erza grabbed a towel, sleepwear, a toothbrush and toothpaste bottle before heading into the bathroom and locking the door behind her.

I thought my roommate would be more friendly, but it seems as if she doesn't want to interact with me. I was hoping to make new friends here that I could tell Gajeel and Romeo about. I felt lonely at the fact that we don't know each other in real life and I have nothing to do with anyone here.

But.. maybe Lucy and I could become friends? When I helped her earlier she seemed really nice. But what if she just hates me like everyone else does for some reason?

I placed my towel and pajamas on the edge of my bed, grabbing a book from the bookshelf and sitting down. Opening the romance novel, I read the first few chapters as I waited for Erza to finish using the bathroom.

Erza then came out wearing a t-shirt and shorts, her towel hanging from her arm and her toothbrush and toothpaste bottle in her other hand. She walked past me to her bed silently, throwing her towel onto her bed.

I quickly grabbed my belongings and placed down my book back onto the shelf once I put in a bookmark. I stumbled into the bathroom, locking the door behind me and letting out a sigh.

The atmosphere in here is so awkward. I just want it to be tomorrow already.


My wish came when the morning sun shined through the windows. I got up out of my bed and saw that Erza was still asleep in hers before checking the time. 

I still have time to get ready. 

I rushed to start my morning routine which was to take a shower first, then brush my teeth and put on my uniform then comb my hair.

I slipped my hair into the hairband, forming a high ponytail before hanging my towel up on the rack. Walking out of the bathroom, I flattened my skirt then picked up my red thick rimmed glasses and cleaned them. Putting the glasses on, my vision suddenly became more clear.

Where do I go to eat breakfast? I need a map.

I zipped open my suitcase and took out my back pack that was in the bottom left. I had already put in my school supplies inside on the bus here.

I zipped my suitcase back then placed it back next to the edge of the bed. I turned to see that Erza was still sleeping after all of that noise. Her mouth was opened a bit and she was snoring lightly, her red hair scattered all over the pillows.

Should I wake her up? But she might get mad at me.

I poked my roommate's arm then started heading out of the dormitory. I stared off into space as I remembered where the classroom was before strolling there.

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