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The being who was once known as the immortal forger strode quickly, eyes gleaming as the darkness which had possessed his body let loose the excitement from within. Few moments ago it had experienced Ashe shift, meaning one of the primordials had moved in favour of creation,

Like a chess game

And now it was its turn to move, to answer back to the bold move the primordial had used, a chance it had been waiting for for a long while. Striding quickly out of its chambers it made its way towards the alter in the middle of this metal palace, barely noticing the canine beast which lunged at him to check if it was its former master or the darkness. With a wave of its hands it pinned the canine beast to the metal wall, using metal poles that drove through the front and hind limbs of the beast which yelped in agony, staying still without a word, the darkness nodded to itself, at least it hadn't begged for mercy, it would had been forced to end the life of the useless mutt.

Reaching the alter it whispered to itself, watching as a dark crystalline blade appeared in the air, muttering harsh brutal sounds as thunder broke into the clear daylight, day turning to night,

No not night,... Darkness

The being laughing as it tore reality a bit, loosened a few threads to let in the things which resided outside reality, it laughed in glee as it felt Ashe groan with pain, felt it like Ashe screamed,

Yes!, yes! Feel it!

And he watched it cover the world, and at once the world was thrown into pandemonium, order was stripped from the earth, wars began to erupt, and the ironic thing?, it fed the being more power, for he possessed the body of a war deity, and with more power it loosened another string, a whisper at the back of its mind telling it that it had done enough to balance the scales, lest it risk the wrath of the creator who would wipe everything again, eyes narrowed,

No, not this time,

He would bid its time, wait till it was strong enough to challenge the primordials, and then the creator himself, but for now, it laughed in glee, watching chaos reign, watching to see the reply of the primordials...



It washed round the earth, ojiji, the lord of nightmares and fear barely felt it as a whisper at first, steadily increasing like the sound of a church bell, vibrating through the very fabric of the universe. Then he felt Ashe rip a little, eyes wide in astonishment he screamed at the top of his voice when he saw the darkness advancing,

"Repel!" He said to everyone around him,

The rest cast inquisitive looks, for they all felt it, the wrongness of this power. They were all gods of the dark, their power coming from the most primal and evil of humanity, but still this felt wrong on a whole new level, this was something strange, something other...

ojiji felt it pass his side, stinging his skin as he hissed, eyes glowing in anger,

"It seems the enemy has struck" Xanaaq said as the anger god held one hand in front, keeping the darkness well away from his physical body and protecting the jarumi behind him

"Damn you forger" plili growled,

Where could the war deity have found such power of destruction from?, power to unravel the very fabric of Ashe and return them back to nothing, the same as before the creator muttered the word?. Finally it stopped, the deities casting wary glances around as they began leaving the house they were in, Xanaaq growled as he smelled the air,

"Do you taste it brother?" He said,

"Indeed" ojiji said as he felt power pouring into his body,

The closer they got to the outside, the more the voices increased, till ojiji opened a portal that took them to the roof of the home they were and they saw it all,


Everywhere on the streets for as far as the eyes can see, people running around like mad dogs, beating each other up, children crying and screaming in fear,

"This, this is wrong brother," Xanaaq said, sounding sick,

Ojiji nodded, eyes narrowed as the downpour of rain began, his bastard blade appearing in his right hand as it glowed,

"If it goes on like this, humanity would be wiped out" he replied,

"What?" Egungun said as he moved closer to this lord,

"Take a look around, you think its only happening here?, in this part of the world?" He replied as silence from the other beings arose,

They all began to understand the implications of what the fear god was saying,

Ojiji gestured for them to move back, except Xanaaq,

"Brother, we take it all into our weapons," he said, Xanaaq understanding at once,
"Let us remind them once again, why their elders fear the darkness of night, why the tales of old still ring true" Xanaaq grinned,

And they both let loose, ice forming on the skin of the humans who all paused to look up to the roof, to see what caused it, and on that moment Xanaaq struck first, absorbing all the anger and malice into his jawbone blade, watching as it pulsed with life, and then Ojiji showed them all his true face, the face formed from the voices of screams of everyone who had died in terror.

They all froze with fear, terror hot in their blood as eru bid his blade to take it all in, absorbing every bit of it till they all fainted in exhaustion. Sliding his blade back into its sheath,

"What do we do now?" Xanaaq muttered,

"Now?, now we find where that forger is and melt him to nothing" Ojiji said as he laughed into the air, face showing ecstasy as he got off from the high of the power in the blade....

GODLINGS : ASCENSION (African Lore Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now