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ade stood casually in a corner as he watched bola and danjuma talk quietly, bola glancing at him occasionally with a smile, and he faking one back. He stared at his hands as it continued to give off sparks involuntarily, fisting his hands only generated more lightning shards that danced across his hands. He stared outside the room they were in and saw the vast jungle that lay outside, the sky red, feeling a hand on his shoulder as he was jolted back to the present, turning to see bola,

"we need to leave, too many bearers of deities in a place generate energy, attracting different sorts of creatures" she said,

"creatures?, you never said anything about creatures!" he said as danjuma sighed,

"a heart of lion this one is" he said sarcastically as a staff, bronze in nature appeared in his hand,

"ignore him, he loves proving manly but he's a big baby on the inside" bola replied,

"a big baby that faced abiku and lived to tell the tale" danjuma said,

"whats abiku?" ade asked,

"its a creature of old thats steals the souls of infants and replaces them with evil spirits, something like that, a touch from it and you're gone" she replied,

ade clearly didn't want to know about whatever evil creature it was, all he cared about was returning home,


would he be able to return there?

"I'll never be able to return home right?" he asked,

bola looked at him with sympathy, danjuma looked indifferent,

"its too risky, I'm sorry" she replied,

ade felt the rage boil up in his veins, all because of bola, all because some deity deemed it fit to mess with his life. Oblivious to what was happening around him, he felt himself tearing up on the inside, all he asked for was a normal life, all he wanted was to leave school, find a job and settle down with the girl of his dreams,

but no,

some crazy supernatural ancestor whose blood filled his veins decided to wake up from a deep slumber which mind you, he should still be in. right before dare heard bola calling him, he felt the power that his body hosted, feeling the lightning cracking below his skin in a frenzy, the power filled him up as he saw blue, watching the sky light up with lightning. And at once he lost control of his body, trapped in a corner of his mind as he felt the deity take over, pushing him to the recess of his mind.

Ade opened his eyes, but instead of him it was sango, bola shifted backwards, legs trembling,

"lord sango" she muttered as danjuma looked indifferent,

sango rose an eyebrow at the defiant youth,

"you must be the descendant of zumji right?, the northern earth god" sango asked,

danjuma nodded, clearly fighting the urge to kneel, to stand in the front of an orisha as strong as sango pushed the submission of mortals to the extreme, a little wonder why the irunmoles left the mortal plane, if an orisha did this, what would happen if obatala appeared?. Sango stared in the distance,

"how bad is it?, the invasion of the mortal realm?" he asked,

"minor, rips are opening in the mortal realm, creatures are escaping to the mortal realm my lord" bola replied,

"i don't have much time, I'm afraid my vessel is fighting back at me, he's clearly my blood" sango chuckled,

"find the immortal forger before he unleashes the end against us, defend Ashe, I will do my part on the other side, make sure he doesn't harm Ashe" he said before the glow died out and dare slumped,

GODLINGS : ASCENSION (African Lore Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now