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Ojiji sat still legs crossed, muscles coiled like a viper, a silent grin on his face as he watched his brother who currently possessed a little child draw noisily from a glass bottle with a straw. Shaking his head at his brother who neither cared for human attitudes nor etiquette, he checked his watch and saw dawn was coming,

"if you don't mind little brother" he drawled out, knowing the word little brother ticked off his brother, come to think of it, everything ticked off his brother, after all he was xaanaq, God of anger,

Xaanaq raised an eyebrow at him, eyes that glowed red shone,

"your attempts to piss me off won't work ojiji, I have learnt the art of constraining my.... Anger so to say, ignore the pun" he replied belching loudly,

"indeed?, but it seems you've also perfected the art of pissing off people or beings that can trash you" ojiji replied, yellow irises gleaming g as his coat began to smoke up, his aura releasing as the human nearby began going into a panic State,

Xaanaq rolled his eyes, snapping his finger as time froze, or better still, they were both transferred into a pocket dimension, handy if you wanted to have a private conversation. Eru turned back and noticed egungun, his over protective guardian was also frozen, he turned back to xaanaq, eyes inquiring,

"this is a matter between siblings," he said,

Then ojiji knew xaanaq was serious, the way he spoke, ojiji had not seen xaanaq this serious since the last cataclysm war between gods. He sat straight,

"like I said, I have an idea if who released us, and if I'm right, released the gods also" he said,

"so you said brother,"

"when I woke up, I noticed immediately a tingling sensation of death," xaanaq said,

"death?, you know we cannot be killed right? " ojiji replied,

Xaanaq looked troubled, gripping his glass bottle a little tighter as they cracked,

"has immortality made you lax brother?, when last have you checked the wills of Ashe? "xaanaq growled,

ojiji look confused, what in the creators name was xaanaq Implying?. With a wave of his hand a scroll appeared, opening it and studying the inky patterns detailing the position of his siblings,

Anger and fear... Check,
Love..... Check
Sadness....... Sadness.....

He saw the mark fading, growling as xaanaq peered at the scroll, noticing that the mark disappeared,

"it was as I suspected, he's using the life force of our siblings to wake up the rest" xaanaq muttered,

"who, who dares mess with us? "eru said as he felt his anger ruse, his real form itching to shed this mortal body and make the world feel his wrath,

"the one being or beings who are strong enough to destroy this world in a single glance, the beings who have the strength to undo what the creator bound cause he put them in charge " xaanaq said, staring into the pit of hate that was ojiji,

Eru was the eldest of the eidolos, the big brother who looked over the rest, given the order by the primordials, his mandate was to keep the other emotions on check, to make sure they don't run wild in the human world, and admitted he decided to be the fun brother and give them some time to enjoy this new and improved world for a while, and he'd failed,

His fist where trembling in anger which had nothing to do with xaanaq, feeling his immense energy shatter the pocket dimension and the humans run around in terror as they saw his true form, cars blowing up, homes on fire, but he didn't care, didn't care due to the fact that the beings he trusted were the ones causing this havoc,

GODLINGS : ASCENSION (African Lore Book 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora