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0800 HOURS


marshall nnamdi continued to stare at the video log of the failed attack on the national museum, already the press had been informed of the supposedly plane crash that happened there, but he knew what happened there was way beyond the physical. Watching as a girl single handedly held back the j-corps,

what would happen if we had an army of those he thought,

holding them at bay as she instructed another boy to grab an artifact, the artifact they were after in the first place, and with the flash of lightning in the boys face the cam feed died, clearly an electric surge from the boy. Nnamdi had learnt not to deny whatever he saw again, knowing clearly that they were dealing with the supernatural, with beings that could very well be a bundle of nukes individually. He sighed as the door opened and mr dunsin entered,

"any update?" nnamdi asked,

"yes sir, on subject alpha" he said slightly,

subject alpha,

the only reason marshall nnamdi still played this game of warfare. Rubbing his temples as he felt his usual headache coming up again,

"do you need your drugs sir?" mr dunsin asked,

"no, I'm fine, go on with the update" he groaned,

"the subjects vitals seem to be stabilizing, although the surges from the subject still causes electrical discharge in the machineries, we've been able to isolate the damages and in the process see that the subject will soon be fully awake sir" he completed as nnamdi stood up,

walking to the window and watching as the scraps of the j-corps had been removed, no being should be able to wield that much power. Turning to the hologram of the creature that destroyed this base before, now currently underground, he stared intently at it, looking at the doglike creature as it was in the process of ripping out the throat of an unlucky soldier,

"any update on where this beast might have come from?" he asked,

"from extensive research sir, the little scraps we can find indicate that it is the familiar of a god known only as the immortal forger, no other name was presented, we have reasons to believe the name had been blotted out of the book sir due to the wide absences near the name"

"and was this still at the ruins at ife?" nnamdi asked,

"yes sir, this means whatever or whoever sent this creature needed that machete urgently to have sent a creature as deadly as this to battle" mr dunsin finished,

"keep me updated on subject alpha and the other HAGI subjects, the faster we can get this project going the better" marshall nnamdi finished, dismissing the scientist who left.

He sighed and stared out of the window as the sky boomed with thunder and lightning danced around the night skies. He would had retired, had it not been for the unfortunate incident, the incident that tore his household apart and caused a rift between him and his wife, an incident that affected his child,

and incident that made his child subject alpha....





Oya stood at a water fall, eyes in the distance as thunder boomed on the horizon, nodding her head in acceptance,

he's early she thought,

thunder boomed as a person appeared in between the flashes, clad in blue wrapper that covered the lower half of his body, broad chest bare as his muscular physique showed, his bronze skin that identified him as a deity, an orisha or alusi as they were known here. The god with the blue eyes that sparked stood still,

"you requested an audience with me oya, be quick, to enter another realm without due call is considered a taboo, you of all people should know his, after-all your husband made that rule" he said,

oya rolled her eyes at the deity, the being in her front of her was not from the southern realm, similar to her husband sango, this being was also the ruler of his realm, the eastern realm, home of the silent but deadly gods, the war gods, and this one was their head,


god of thunderstorms and divine justice,

"you know, for a god that comes from the east, you are quite peaceful, unlike your brethren that love a good fight, why?" oya asked,

"maybe because I've seen enough battles to know that no war ends with a happily ever after" amadioa replied,

"true, and it is on this note I wish to prevent the next one looming on us"

"so it is true then, the immortal forger has broken his chains in the seventh realm and somehow walks the earth?" amadioa growled as thunder boomed,

"true, there's no use denying it, however I have been hearing rumors that he has been gathering followers, deities to his side" oya said looking at him,

"you think we the Eastern deities would follow a crazy southern deity?" amadioa scoffed,

"we all originate from a source, that much you should know amadioa, or has the centuries of sleep addled your brain?" she mocked,

lightning flashed across the sky as amadioa glowed,

"be careful what you say to me, your husband isn't here to defend you against my wrath should I wish to teach you a lesson" he threatened,

"true, but I know you well amadioa, you are honor in it's purest form, you do not harm women, and you are reasonable enough to see through all that anger and know what I say is the truth, we might be divided by the order of the elder gods, but we are still Orishas, the same" oya argued as amadioa chuckled,

"you have a way with words, I'll give you that, very well then, I will call a meeting of the eastern gods, find out those that might have defected and show them why I have gone unchallenged for a millennia" he replied,

and it was then oya got to see the real amadioa, the one that was written in legends, the thunder god of the eastern hemisphere. Nodding in satisfaction as amadioa turned to leave,

"and while I bother about my realm, I hope you can hold your realm, and pray wherever your husband is, he shows up quickly, even I can feel Ashe slipping away from the balance in your realm" amadioa said,

"oh don't worry about my realm, it's a work in progress" she said with a glint in her eyes,

"whatever are you planning woman?" amadioa asked as he disappeared in a clap of thunder,

oh you'll see she thought,

phase one was over,

unto phase two...

GODLINGS : ASCENSION (African Lore Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now