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The first thing ade felt as he landed in the strange realm was the feeling of puking, rushing over to a bush he saw, he threw up his last meal, hearing ara at the back grunt in disapproval,

"puking all over the garden built by sango to honor his wife, you'll not earn a thank you from him for sure" she said,

"bite me" he muttered,

ignoring him, she motioned for him to follow her,

'this realm belongs to your ancestor, sango, each deity has its own realm, since the spiritual realm is infinite, there's no end to the boundaries, each deity's realm lies on different frequencies, following?" she asked,


she sighed, turning to ade, snapping her fingers as the axes of sango appeared in her hands,

"you've become drunk on the powers of an orisha, descendant or not, you should be dead by now" she said,

ade suddenly felt empty, like the supercharged feeling in his body had disappeared,

'the weapons channel sangos powers and essence through your body, and as the gods are made of Ashe, so is their powers, you draw on Ashe to much and you burn to a crisp, even now, the weight of all the battles you fought with the weapon should be taking its toll on you" she explained,

truly, ade felt his body sag, like he had carried something heavy all through the night. Kneeling in exhaustion, he felt ara hold him by the shoulders, feeling the electricity on her body tingle around his arms. She took him to a fountain,

"drink, oyas waters, should help" she explained,

he forced himself to drink, feeling the warm liquid slide down his throat as his eyesight cleared, sitting on the floor. Glancing up at a smirking ara,

'laugh all you can" he growled,

"oh I plan to, but I have to train you first before letting you go on your quest, to die a warriors death or perhaps survive" she explained,

he stood up, feeling refreshed, ara walking towards a large hut like building,

"there's only one material that can hurt any orisha or creature, metal, and not your average metal, I mean immortal metal, a material created, awkwardly by the forger" ara said,

'alright, enough with the name forger, what's the real name of this so called evil orisha?" ade asked,

ara opened a door, leading to a room that looked like a medieval armory, swords, round shields, machetes with different symbols drawn on them filled the room, she was evidently searching for something,

"names" she started, drawing out a short rod as she sighed happily,

"contain powers in the supernatural or mystic realm, to say ones name lightly is to wield the power of that one" she continued,

"but we call sango and the rest their name right?"

she threw the rod at him, watching as he caught it and expanded into a staff with lightning zapping round the body, much to the awe of ade,

"I don't know how it happened, only a few Orishas and the elder gods were around when the forger almost stole Ashe out of the ever watchful grasp of the elder gods. Somehow, by tampering with Ashe, the irunmoles, or elder gods had to change a few laws" she said,

"like what?"

"like the name of the forger holding the powers and key to unlocking him, while the reverse is for the rest of the Orishas, you'd have to know their full name to wield their powers" she said, eyes sparking with electricity,

GODLINGS : ASCENSION (African Lore Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now