Prologue {Trouble Maker}

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A/N: This is the edited version of Trouble Maker, as of 2022! Hope you enjoy the read!

Trouble Maker {Jelsa AU}


"Alright everyone, take your seats. Class is starting!" Mr. Ross spoke as he approached his large wooden desk at the front of the classroom, and placed his belongings on top of it.

"I heard some people talking in the hallway about a new student." Hiccup whispered to me quietly.

"That's weird, especially at this time of the school year. Isn't it?" I replied, unzipping my backpack and pulling out my history textbook. I laid it flat on top of the wooden table in front of us.

Mr. Ross was about to start his lesson until the doors of the classroom practically burst open. My gaze averted from Mr. Ross to whoever just rudely interrupted.

It was a guy who I wasn't able to recognize. He didn't appear to be phased by the fact that he disrupted the class, and I looked the stranger up and down. He was dressed in a plain white T-shirt with black jeans, and his black leather jacket looked slightly worn-out. He had pale skin, but his silver-white hair is what piqued my attention the most.

"You must be the new student. I was expecting you to arrive on time, considering it is your first day here." Mr. Ross spoke sternly, crossing his arms.

The guy rolled his eyes, turning his head to look at Mr. Ross.

"Well, we can't really do anything about it, can we?" He said sarcastically, causing some of the girls who sat in the back of the classroom to giggle.

I was prompted to roll my eyes as they did so and I glanced back at the new student, whose name was still unknown to me.

"I'd watch your tone, young man. I wouldn't have thought that you would act like such a troublemaker. What's your name?" Mr. Ross asked, growing impatient with him.

I watched as his eyes scanned the room, and noticed that his gaze eventually landed on me.

He smirked.

"Frost. Jack Frost."

[EDITED 3/5/2022]

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