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Hi everyone! SnowQxeen here! :)

I want to start off by saying that I have been inactive from wattpad for a few years now, but I finally found the time and got enough inspiration to come back here and go through with my plan of editing this book.

Disclaimer: I wrote this book back in 2014, when I was a mere CHILD. I was barely in MIDDLE SCHOOL back in 2014 and I had no idea how to properly write/plan out a book with a solid storyline. I've tried to reread this book and it's sequel countless times but found myself either skimming through it because I was literally cringing the entire time or I just couldn't continue because it was so bad.

With that being said, even though the storyline itself is honestly not that great, I am not planning to alter anything major to the plot that I already developed back in 2014. I'm just going to go back to each individual chapter and rewrite it so that it's formatted correctly, and so that the writing isn't so bad.

I'll try my best to edit all of the chapters when I find myself able to, and I hope that you guys still enjoy it just as much, or even more!

I'll also leave a note at the beginning, as well as a time stamp at the bottom of each chapter to indicate whether or not it has already been edited.

I want to acknowledge the fact that as of right now, this very moment that I am writing this A/N, there is 334K READS IN TOTAL FOR THIS BOOK THAT HAS A GOD AWFUL PLOT, WHICH WAS WRITTEN BY PRETEEN ME.

I have mixed emotions about that fact since, how do I put this, I literally had no idea what I was doing at the time and I had no idea that this book would gain as much attention as it did.

I not only want to redeem myself as a writer, since I believe my writing skills have improved by a significant amount in the past 8 years, but I also feel like this book deserves justice after all the time it's spent just sitting in my profile.

Since I was literally in middle school when I originally wrote this, I had no freaking clue about what high school was like, especially the school system (at least here in America).

I also had no concept of college, which is why I refer to any college as just "university" in this book, which is WAY too general because there are CLEARLY multiple universities around the freaking country and the whole WORLD.

I want to make it clear that I am currently in college, and I have been for the past two years. With that being said, I have a strong passion for writing, and on my free time I literally find myself gravitating back to wattpad to indulge in my love for reading and writing. I will do my best to stay consistently active from this point, of course with some exceptions when necessary.

Feel free to leave any comments, and check in for any updates I post on my profile!

Thank you! :)


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