Mafiatale! Cupid x reader

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Bossy yet sweet~

*This came to mind randomly XD. I hope the pic above is up there! It's super cute. And yes (if it's there) that's a cookie in his mouth.

The sunglasses wearing Gorgon shoved you into the bosses office.

You glare at him and he just chuckles and stands to the right of his bosses desk.

The vampire on the other side of the room smirked at you, his arms behind his back, he mutters. "Boss, the gal you vwanted is here.~"

You roll your eyes and sit in the very uncomfortable chair across the boss.

Why did he want you for? You were just a nerdy girl who wrote fanfiction.

What could he possibly want from you?

"Very good." He says, his voice was high pitched and soft.. yet sounded male.. what an odd yet cute voice.

His chair turns and you're face to face with the cutest, fedora wearing, pink, skeleton.

His fedora was way too big for him which made him look even cuter.

You might faint at how cute he was.. or get a nosebleed.

But why was he the boss? You thought the boss would be big and scary.. guess you were wrong..

The pink boss sets his box of cookies down on his desk, pushing them aside.

He even had one in his mouth, he takes it out and sets it in a clean ashtray like it was a cigar.. cute.

"Now, y/n, I'm sure you want to know why you're here.. and I'll explain.."

His heart shaped pinpricks look at his two guards. "Both of you step out for a second please."

They nod, the vampire smirks at you then leaves, the Gorgon's fork tongue flicks at you as he hisses, then he leaves as well.

The boss makes sure they were gone and hops up smiling, a pink blush on his face.

"Y/n! I'm a huge fan of your romance book! Can I get a autograph!?"

Your eyes widen.. well that changed quickly.. "uh sure.."

He tosses you a red pen and hands you a hardback copy of your latest novel.

You smile awkwardly and sign your name and a small cartoon heart.

His wings flutter behind his back, making him hover for a brief second. "Ah! Thank you so much!"

He hops over his desk and hugs you.

Again.. how was he the boss!?

You Pat his back and pull away. "Um.. I'm glad you like my writing uh..?"

"Romeo, Cupid de romeo!" He smiles.

"Cupid.. wait.. as in the Cupid? The love God that shoots people with arrows and stuff?"

He nods. "The one and only!"


He sits on his desk one leg crossed over the other, his kicked his leg back and forth.

"Oh.. miss y/n, there is another reason why you're here."

"And what's that?" You ask.

His smile falls and he pulls a pearl studded gun out of his vest, he grips it in his hand.

Your eyes widen.. okay you weren't so comfortable around him any more ....

He hops off the desk and puts the gun aimed at your heart.


You close your eyes as he pulls the trigger..

Wait.. you weren't dying?

You look him in the eyes confused.. why did you have the urge to kiss him all of the sudden..?

You look at your chest and see a golden arrow fading into thin air.

He giggles and puts the gun away.

"I like you alot." He bends down and kisses your cheek, leaving a red heart on your cheek, similar to the hearts on his face.

"You can go now!"

He Poof's back behind his desk grabbing his cookie again.

The vampire comes in again and he drags you out of the office, then down the hall.

"Wait! I have so meany questions!"

He chuckled and pat your head. " VWe all do, but the boss really likes ya. I suggest you stay."

He pushed you up some stairs and into a fancy bedroom. "Have fun."

He winks and shuts your door.

You shake your head and face plant into the bed, trying to comprehend what just happened..

End. Hope you enjoyed this randomness. I was bored. XD

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