Fell! goth (cupcake) x reader

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My little cupcake.~

*Thanks for requesting! Sorry if his personality is wrong I don't know much about him at all XD. Also why is his nickname cupcake? It's cute to me. I'll just call him goth for this if that's okay!

Sorry for not updating for a little while I've been kind of sick.ehh.
I'm feeling a little better right now and I wanted to write something for you guys!

Again sorry if this is bad I don't know him that well at all. I'll try my best! :3

Warnings- flirting. Pj is a perv. Goth being kind of Yandere.

×takes place in highschool setting×

You sighed why wouldn't he leave you alone?

Goth has been kind of stalking you, following you, peeking around every corner watching you.

Whenever you called him out on it he'd just yell saying he wasn't doing anything.

Then he stomps off with his arms crossed.

It was weird to you. But you shrugged it off, until today.

You sat in the library reading some romance novels, when a familer edgy skeleton stood in front of you with his arms crossed as usual.

You make eye contact with those red eyes of his. "What do you want goth?"

He Huff's. "What are you doing dork!? Readin'? Pfffft.. lame."

You roll your eyes and go back to your book. Maybe he'll go away.

He growls. "Y/n!"

"What?" You shut your book slamming it on the table.

He smirks. "Ah that's how I can get your attention~ heh heh.."

He walks up behind you and rests his skull on your shoulder he makes an oddly cute purring sound.

You blush slightly uncomfortable but you kind of enjoyed it..he made you feel... Safe.. sure he was annoying.. but still.. it was nice.

"Y/n.. you're mine now."

"What!?" Your eyes widen.

"You heard me... And I don't want Pj coming near you understand?"

You nod. You didn't know paperjam that much but you knew he was a "Mr. Steal yo girl." Type of guy.

So this is your life now, a jealous boyfriend that for some reason hated paperjam.


He walked you everywhere, but he was nicer to you relationship wise.

Goth was sweet, edgy but he had a soft side, he would kiss your cheek every morning and carry your stuff but, he would glare at everyone who looked at you.

Even the male teachers.

He got in trouble for yelling at ink, Ink was a caring teacher you could talk to him about anything, but when Ink rested his hand on your shoulder as you two talked Goth busted the door down and cussed him out.

So he got suspended for two weeks.

He would wait for you at the school gate to pick you up.


He was still suspended from school for the time being, and couldn't walk you to your classes.
Which was boring to say the least.

Today, you decided to stop by the library again, it was quiet in there and people would leave you alone.

You sat in your usual corner cooped up in the yellow bean bag chair, reading an adventure book this time, when Paperjam walked up to you.

He leaned against one of the book cases his hands in his pockets.

"Sup nerd. You're Goths gal arnt Cha?" He smirks.

You did NOT like the look he had in his sockets.

You nod. "Yes, what's it to you?"

"He got suspended didn't he? Like a week ago or somethin'? Right?"

"Uh..  yeah..? Why do you ask.?"

"Well.. I figured since he isn't here for you.. I'd take his place~"

You shake your head. "No thank you. I'm happy with him."

Pj growls. "What..? You're not serious are you!? Please he's all talk. No fight..."

He pins you to the bean bag chair.

"After all.. I am way better than him anyhow.."

Your eyes widen.

Just as he was about to kiss you you hear a familer edgy skeletons voice.

"What are you doing to my cupcake!?"

Paperjams smirk falls and he turns his head to face your boyfriend.


Goth stomps over and rips him off of you and throws him against the wall.

"No one touches my cupcake!"

He sits next to you and pulls you into his lap and wraps his arms around you.

"Are you alright?" He kisses your forehead.

"Y-yeah.. I'm fine.. "

"Thank goodness.." He hugs you even tighter.

"I wouldn't want anyone to hurt my precious cupcake.."

End. :3 sorry if this was terrible I don't know anything about fell! Goth. So he's a little ooc. I hope you enjoyed even if I got his personality wrong.

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