Sick! Papyrus x reader

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*yeah no title for this one, sadly couldn't think of one XD. Anyway this wasn't requested I just felt like writing it, and papy hasn't had meany chapters and I felt bad so, so sans won't give me a bad time, I'm writing one for papyrus! There's a little sans x reader too.


Warning- sans is a perv, uncomfortable outfits.

×Takes place underground×

You smiled making your way to your favorite skele-bros house, you've been in the underground for a long time now.

And you became best friends with the brothers, but you have gained a crush on the taller, younger brother.

He was just so innocent and adorable, plus you loved his spaghetti, you've helped him cook it the proper way.

He was a little upset at first when you told him not to put glitter in it or glue, but he understood that humans couldn't eat that and decided to do it your way.

Sans was thankful for that, his tongue wasn't stuck to his teeth anymore and his tongue didn't look like someone put glittery nail Polish on it.

You chuckle at the thought then knock on the door, waiting on their porch.

Sans waddled to the door and opened it. "Heya kiddo, what's up?"

"Papy invited me over, he wanted to hang out."

Sans shrugs. "Kiddo, didn't papyrus tell you? He came down with something. He's not feeling too hot right now."

You shake your head. "He didn't tell me that he was sick."

You just stare into sans eye sockets then you hear a scratchy voice try to yell.


"Welp. Looks like paps wants ya."

"Alright, I'll take good care of him."

Sans rests a hand on your shoulder left eye glowing. "You better kiddo."

You shudder under his gaze then quickly make your way upstairs.


You knock on the tall skeles door. "Papyrus? Are you decent?"

"Y-yes y/n! Come in please!"

You open the door and your smile falls, Papyrus was on the floor wrapped in a blanket cocoon sniffling yet looking irritated.

"Oh papyrus you look terrible! How long have you been sick?"

You sit next to him and rest the back of your hand on his forehead.

He was way warmer than normal, he had a fever.

"Since this morning! Sans has been a horrible nurse.."

You laugh at his statement and hug him.

"...that is why called you! You helped nurse flowey back to health!"

You nod. "I did? Papyrus I was babysitting him. But I'll be your nurse okay?"

He nods. "Thank you human!" He coughs again and buried his face into the blanket again.

"Okay first let's get you to bed."

He was light, you picked him up bridal style then lay him on his bed. "Now I'm going to make you some soup, do you need anything else?"

Papyrus's orange eye lights look to the right as a blush appears on his face.

"Um.. Human this might be weird but.. Can you put on that outfit please?" He points to the white dress laying on his dresser.

"Okay..? Anything for you papy." You kiss his forehead then take the dress to the bathroom to change.


Where did papyrus even get this!?

You shook your head. You were wearing a white nurses dress thing and it was rather short around your hips..

Maybe Papyrus just wanted you to get into character, he probably got this from Alphys cosplay closet.

You walk out of the bathroom going back to your sick skele.

"Anything else?" You ask hands on your hips.

Papyrus's face burns a bright orange and he shakes his head. "N-no! I'm fine! Nyeh ... Heh.."

"Okay then. I'm going to get you your soup. Be right back!"


When you walked in to the living room sans jaw dropped and a bright blue went across his face.

"What?" You ask.

Sans shakes his head. "Heh.. Nothing.. "

You roll your eyes then leave to the kitchen to make Papyrus his soup.

Sans watches as you leave and chuckles teleporting behind you.


The microwave beeped and you took the soup out stirring it.

While you were distracted Sans snuck up behind you and pinched your butt.

Your eyes widen and you turn and smack him with the hot spoon.

"Ow!" He yells holding his forehead. "What was that for?"

You scoff. "Pervert.." Then you leave upstairs to Papyrus.


"Here you go papy." You smile and set the bowl on his nightstand.

He smiles. "Thank you y/n! You're a better nurse then sans.."

You hand him the spoon. "It'll help your sore throat uh.. If you have one."

He laughs and starts eating the soup.


After he finishes he lays on his back.

"Long day.." He mumbles.

You smile and kiss his cheek. "Anything else papy?"

He shakes his head and pulls you to His chest, resting his skull in the crook of your neck.

You blush but slowly doze off in his chest.


Sans opened the door and saw you both. "Ugh.. Lucky.. Maybe I should try and get sick next.. " he smirks and walks to his room thinking of his plan.

End. Hope you enjoyed this... Whatever this is XD. This randomly came to mind.

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