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Colin gained consciousness some time later and found himself tied inside a bathtub filled with water. He tried to break the robes, but failed. Glancing down at himself, he noticed that his shirt was off, leaving him only in his jeans. He examined the place and soon realized that he was in his own bathroom.

"Lily!" He called and the door quickly burst open. Lily walked in, beaming happily. "Get me out of this." He said through gritted teeth.

"Not a chance, Colin." She pulled a chair close to the tub and sat down. "You see tonight will be your last night with the living. I will be sending you to the land of the dead where the devil will burn your soul in the hottest parts of hell."

Lily's eyes shone with anger and resentment. Colin's heart skipped a beat and he tried not to look terrified. Lily smiled at him and then moved to retrieve something from her bag, which was lying on the floor by the door. She returned with a paper in her hand.

"Do you know what this is?" She opened it and showed it to him. He saw that it was a hospital report. "That's a hospital report." She told him.

"I guess that's your report from the mental institution." He smirked, glad that the alcohol was now out of his system and he could think straight.

"HAHAHA!" Lily laughed. "You haven't lost your sense of humour, I see."

"And you still haven't regained your sanity, I see. No, let me rephrase that. You will never be sane." He shot back.

Lily's smile fell and then she frowned deeply. "Enough with the jokes. This, here is important." She showed him the paper again and this time, he caught a name on it.


"Lora!" He gasped.

"Yes. This is Lora's autopsy report." Lily looked sad as she spoke. "The doctor gave this to me a few days after her burial. I had wanted to throw it away because I did not see the reason why I should read it. After all, we all knew how she died. However, I kept it in my things and found it only a few weeks ago. I opened it and you won't believe what I saw when I read it."

Lily glanced at him. "I bet you won't also believe it if I tell you. Really, I was shocked. I asked myself how this happened. I tried to understand it, but could not. I wanted answers, but I knew Lora would not be able to give it to me. That was when I understood that only you will be able to answer me, because it happened because of you." She slapped him across the face and he groaned, as his jaw was already hurting from the beatings he received.

"I don't think you were aware of this. Lora was not aware of it either because I doubt she would have done what she did if she knew."

Colin was getting irritated and losing interest in what she was saying. He just wished she would just get straight to the point and stop beating about the bush.

"What did the autopsy report say, goddamn it!"

"Lora was pregnant!"

He literally stopped breathing for a split-second. His brain went into a numb state. He could not feel his hands anymore. He asked himself if he just heard right. As if reading his mind, she repeated it.

"I said Lora was pregnant!" Tears fell out of her eyes and she quickly wiped them away. "Would you mind explaining to me how that happened? Why was my sister pregnant?"

He was silent.

"How did she become pregnant?" She yelled and still he did not speak. "Lora never told me she went to bed with you. Why did she not tell me! I am disappointed in you Lora." Lily looked up as if addressing Lora who was in heaven. "I thought we promised never to keep anything away from each other."

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