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"Done. The game is over and forgotten." Colin replied. "But I will not leave you alone, not now. You're not well." He added while reaching his car.

Alexia did not oppose to it. He was right, about her health. She was just involved in an accident and most importantly, had no one to take care of her. She needed him right now, especially now that her knees had given up on her. At least he was kind for deciding to stay by her side at this moment.

Colin placed her into his car and got in the driver's seat. After buckling them up, he started the engine and then asked. "Where should we go, your place or mine?"

"My place," Alexia quickly replied. My place would be a lot safer. She thought.

"Your place then." He whizzed the car out of the parking lot.

The sun was almost behind the clouds when he reached her condominium. After packing his Ferrari in her driveway, he carried her into the house.

"Where is your room?" He asked and she pointed. He went ahead to open the door and entered, placing her gently on the bed. Her whole body began to ache as soon as his arms left her. It was as if they had been holding back the pain and now she was feeling it even greater than before.

"How are you feeling?" He asked while sitting at the end of the bed. He touched her ankle and then she glanced at him.

"I feel very tired and sore." As soon as she said that, his sighed.

"Am sorry Alexia. This is my entire fault. I shouldn't have asked you for a race."

"Then you wouldn't have agreed to forget about the bet." She said, not wanting to continue talking about it and then added. "I'm going to take a shower."

"I'll take you." He carried her into the adjoining bathroom. After he settled her on the stool, he waited. "Want me to assist you?" he asked then her eyes bulged out.

"No." Her reply was quick and then he chuckled.

"Relax, I was only kidding." He chuckled again and then walked out.

Alexia sat on the stool with her hand to her chest. Her heart was pounding wildly against her ribs. She did not think she would be able to take her bath when he was only a door away from her. Being a naughty boy as he was what if he decided to walk in when she was naked under the shower?

Forcing herself up, she went to the door and locked it. Alexia spent more than fifteen minutes trying to get out of her clothes and even spent a lot more time in the shower.


Colin who had been waiting for Alexia in the living room, for about thirty minutes, decided to order something for her to eat after her shower. The food arrived within minutes and he carried it to the room. He became surprised when he heard the shower still running. Placing the tray on the bed, he walked to the bathroom door.

"Alexia, are you okay?" He knocked and turned the knob. It was locked. "You have been in there for more than an hour."

He was starting to worry that something might have happened to her. Did she pass out in the shower? Could she not rub herself? Before he asked any of those questions, she replied.

"Yes, am fine." The shower suddenly stopped running and then he was glad to hear that she was all right. He turned around and then heard her scream. That brought him back around and he rushed to the door, knocking on it repeatedly.

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