Chapter 13 // An Agreement

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(Natsu's POV)

We start going to work. I look over at Lucy, she took a hair tie and tied her hair up. I started to notice a faint little mark on her neck, and I blush instantly. Oh my- did I do that to her? How did I not see it until now?

"What's wrong?" Lucy asks, very confused.

"Y- It's nothing... We agreed to forget it," I shake my head.

"Huh? Oh!" Lucy immediately covered her neck, going quiet. We stay quiet for a few minutes, continuing our work. I end up finishing my paper and Lucy finished her book work. "Uhm... Natsu..."


"I think we should talk about us... again..." She closes her book and faces me.

"...I agree." I close my laptop and place it to the side. I give her my full attention.

"Um... I know I said we should forget about it, but this morning I-" Lucy stammers,"It's so embarrassing to say this out loud, but I had a dream about us... that night... but we didn't stop...." Lucy avoided eye contact.

I snort. She's so cute. "What a coincidence, I had the same dream too."

"Really?" Lucy looks at me, and we end up laughing it off.

"Yeah, that's so weird," I scratch my head.

"Yeah... anyways, after thinking it over and over... We- I feel like-" She stops, thinking again. "I can't put this in words." She looks at me in the eyes. I try sliding my hand over hers, but she moves her hand to her belly. She takes a deep breath. "Getting back together is a little too quick."

"I agree... And we both know that we still have feelings for each other."

"Yeah..." Lucy nods, she looks away from my eyes and sighs. "I don't know what to do."

"Well, what do you want, Lucy?" I placed my hand on her cheek and moved her face towards me, making eye contact.

She places her hand on my hand,"I... Maybe we can start off slow, yknow? Go on a few dates before making it official..."

"So like Gray and Juvia?" I ask, knowing that Gray and Juvia were friends with benefits. Lucy instantly blushes.

"No!" Lucy shakes her head, and I remove my hand off her cheek as I chuckle a bit, feeling a little playful.

"Are you sure? Cause at Mira's party you seemed-"

"Gaah! Natsu! Stop," Lucy covered her ears, her face turning pink.

I raised my voice so Lucy can still hear me. "You seemed very into it, I remember you were the one who started undressing-"

"Shhhhh!!! Someone will hear you," Lucy placed her finger over my mouth, like that's gonna make me stop. "Natsu, if you keep talking about it out loud I swear I'll-"

"YOU STARTED UNBUCKLING MY BELT-" Lucy took her water bottle and drowned me in water, making my shirt all wet. I gasp. "You did not."

"I so did," Lucy giggled, throwing the empty plastic water bottle at my face.

"You're so gonna get it." I grab my water bottle. She gets up and starts running out the room and I chase after her. She goes down the stairs, heading for the yard. I slide down the handlebars, throwing my water at her. When she steps outside I grab her from behind, picking her up.

"Hahaha!" Lucy laughs as I tickle her sides. She manages to step on my toe and escape my grasp. I start sprinting at her again. I pick her up and look at the pool in front of us, I smirk. "No, Natsu, no no nO-" Holding her tighter, I turn my back towards the water and lean back, we both fall in.

Our Long Lost Child - NaLu AUWhere stories live. Discover now