First Impression

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Chapter Two

The school, if I call it that, was huge. It was beautiful I guess. The buildings were sparkling granite and walls of glass. I had to look away from the brightness.

Students were sprawled all over the extremely green, high maintenance lawns. Large oak trees were scattered everywhere and if I squinted hard enough I could see a large field out back, probably for football.

But sadly this beautiful image was blocked out by high fences- with barbed wire. Metal detectors were at the entrances to get into the school and as if that wasn’t enough there were also tons of guards.

From my position in my car I could see the rich kids the ones that wear designer underwear and $500 shoes. That explains the high security.

That's why this place was a hell hole for me; I hated rich kids and this, this school was for the richest of the rich.

I don't know a 100% how I actually got into this school but seeing how Maxxie and I were in the street-fighting business (at the top) you pull a few favors and threats and you can get anything you want.

The other reason that I probably got in is I’m smart, very smart in fact that even though I'm a sophomore I take senior classes.

The main reason why I had been expelled from my previous schools was the fact that I couldn’t handle the fakeness of everyone surrounding me so more often than not I snapped.

Thank god Pete went here, one of my fighting friends at least then I knew that someone could hold me back if I got angry.

I decided that I might as well get out of the car now; I was drawing enough attention already. I didn't really blend with the Ferrari's and Lamborghini's.

When I locked my door and turned around I expected to see maybe a few people staring then just look away but no everyone was staring and they didn't look away even when I made eye contact.

When I reached the doors to the office and stepped through it was like the spell had been broken and everything went back to normal.

I hated the school already and I hadn't even gotten my schedule. Behind the desk sat an old lady with the reddest hair I had ever see, she glanced up at me and gave me a perplexed look.

"Hi I’m Scarlett, I’m new here”. She frowned” Dear what’s your last name?" I cleared my throat and shrugged, “I’m in the system, I’m sure there aren’t any new girls joining today with the same name as me”.

She gave me a short glare "Yes, got your schedule here. Mr. Darren will be out to see you in a minute". I sat down looking completely out of place knowing that probably this chair was worth more than all my furniture put together.

I heard the door to the office open and close and some muffled voices followed by a presence to my left. Glancing up quickly I saw a boy my age or older with long black hair and his hood up.

From this angle I couldn't see his face but I knew that he was hot and by what he was wearing he would be put in the category 'bad ass'.

I felt a smirk pull up on my face, I definitely liked bad boys. "Scarlett, get in my office now!" I looked up to see the typical principle figure. Sweaty forehead, bushy moustache and bright red face.

"Wow that’s a wonderful welcome. I see why you pride yourself in it", finally I had missed putting my witty side to good use.

"Look, you listen here. I have read your record and I am telling you now that, that isn't going to happen here. You will behave and I will not see you in my office you got that?”

"Well it depends on whether your students welcome me as warmly as you; otherwise I’ll be seeing you a lot". With that I stood up and marched out of the office without turning around.

Not to look at the principles beetroot spluttering face or the mysterious guy that was laughing quietly. Maybe, maybe this school wouldn't be that bad. Especially if I could get away with that.


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