Chapter 26.

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Everyone was huddled together against a wall. I held Nick's hand as he cried into my shoulder, repeating 'he can't be gone' over and over again, the realization has hit Nick pretty hard . But the realization that I'll never see Tyler, or hear his voice again hasn't hit me yet, but when it does, I will be like Niagara Falls.

Harry sat on my other side, with his knees to his chest, and his chin set on his knees. His breathing hitches every few minutes, and he continues just to stare off into the distance as I continue to comfort Nick.

My hand goes up and down Nick's arm while Louis was on his other side, telling Nick it was going to be okay. Nick simply ignored him, and continued crying.

"Are you hungry?" Harry whispers to me and I shake my head. "You need to eat, you haven't eaten anything in the last five hours."

We've been sitting in this position for two hours. No one has gotten up, or spoke unless they were talking to one specific person.

"I'm not hungry."

"You need to eat though." He tries arguing with me.

"I said," I raise my voice a little, sniffing. "I'm not hungry."

"You need to eat Spencer." He says calmy, and I still shake my head.

"Harry, she doesn't want to eat don't make her." Niall speaks up, and Harry turns to him but I'm not able to see his face.

"Don't tell me anything about my girlfriend." I hear him say.

"Then maybe you should listen to her." Niall shoots back and Liam groans.

"Guys just stop. Spencer you do need to munch on something you're gettin quite pale." Liam says reasonably, and I nod, mouthing him a thank you and he nods back.

"Why don't you just date Spencer." Harry says to Liam in a mocking tone, and Liam frowns, rolling his eyes.

"Harry can you not talk about your relationship with Spencer, I just lost my best friend the least you can do is shut up." Nick lifts his head off my shoulder, glaring at Harry as a sad look takes over Harry's face.

Nick lays his head back onto my shoulder, and within the next five minutes he's asleep.

"Where are they?" Louis asks the question we've all been wondering.

It's starting to get dark now, and I'm getting worried. The plane still has yet to arrive and I'm growing anxious. Sitting in the place where you lost your best friend is the worst feeling ever, even if we walked as far as possible away from him, it's still hard. I can hardly sit still, feeling antsy from sitting for hours and waiting.

It's like waiting on your future. If this plane doesn't come, my future is determined by it. We would have wasted all our time, and wasted a perfectly good life of a young boy. We will die here if this plane doesn't come.

"I don't know." Niall answers him, sighing loudly.

"I want to leave this God forsaken place." I tell them, pushing Nick off my shoulder, and holding his head while I gently get up, setting his head down onto a bag. "I need a walk."

"You can't go alone." Zayn informs me, looking at Harry but he simply looks away.

"I'll go." Niall announces, lifting himself up, and I glance at Harry to see his eyes transfers to Niall, watching his every move.

I start walking, waiting for Niall to catch up and once he does, I take a turn to one of the rows of stairs that lead to a door and I enter the room.

"What's wrong?" Niall questions me, looking at me with concern as I stomp over to the vending machine that Harry and I had found earlier when he went looking for bandages to wrap my sound up. I take my little knife out, stabbing the door until the glass shattered to the ground, and I take out a Hershey chocolate bar, taking off the wrapper and devouring it.

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