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I blinked as I woke up but I didn't smell Scottish air but rather air that seemed heavier, thicker. I looked around and saw Yata sleeping behind me then smiled as I realized it wasn't a dream at all.

"Mo ghaol, dùisg*." I whispered and brushed his hair from his face. He scrunched his nose then blinked and I smiled as his hazel eyes met my greenish blue ones.

"Good morning." He whispered and I smiled as he brushed my pale hair behind my ear. I giggled as he pulled me down and gently kissed me, making me happy. I cupped his cheek and pressed against him more, very happy that my past few days weren't a dream. A knock on the door broke us apart and I looked up to see the door open and Grampy poked his head in.

"Your Granny made breakfast."

"Thanks, Grampy." I said and he left. They're learning Japanese but because they're much older than I was when I learned, we basically stick to Scottish Gaelic. I smiled down at Yata then he kissed me again, my chest pressing into his more and my necklace bumping his Adam's apple. The moment we returned to Shizume, he returned my Homra Insignia necklace to me.

"Granny made breakfast." I whispered and his eyes lit up.

"Let's go." I laughed as he jumped out of bed then I followed him downstairs to see granny made pancakes.

"Pancakes!" I cheered and she laughed.

"I'm sorry, what?" Fujishima asked and I giggled.

"Pancakes." I said in Japanese and he nodded.

"Ah, alright." I smiled then Yata came to sit but kissed my cheek, making my smile brighten.

"Eat up, Seona." Granny said and I eyed her as I slowly ate.

"Seona." Granny learned to say my name really quick in Japanese, meaning she could easily scold me now.

"Fine." I whispered and ate as everyone laughed.

"These are really good." Anna said and I smiled as Granny bowed her head in thanks.

"I can't believe you were almost married off like a common whore." Eric said and I coughed on my food at his word choice. Kusanagi, who was to my left, slapped my back and I cleared my throat as everyone laughed.

"Eric, if my grandparents weren't here." I said and he gave me a cocky grin as I glared playfully.

"We have language classes again, Seona." Grampy said and I nodded when Granny left the room. I shrugged it off and kept eating when my Grampy made me stand and covered my eyes.

"Grandfather! What's going on?"

"We have a surprise for you." He said and I walked away from the table but heard everyone following.

"Ready?" I nodded and he uncovered my eyes then I froze. In front of me was a perfect replica of my quilt that had been destroyed. I slowly walked towards it, not believing this was real, then Granny held her hands in front of her as I lifted the cloth.

"But, how?" I whispered then Granny hugged me and kissed my head.

"There was enough left for me to replicate it, little angel." I laughed and hugged her tightly with the quilt gripped in my hands.

"Thank you, grandmother. This is perfect." I whispered and she held me then I let her go and held the quilt to my chest.

"What happened to the other one?" Akagi asked and I looked at him.

"My màthair burned it." I said and they seemed shocked. Eventually, my seanair no seanair left for their lessons and I went to the bedroom I shared with Yata, hugging my quilt as I laid in bed and listened to music. I gasped as the bed dipped behind me then I turned and saw Yata above me, his eyes showing a devious look. I pulled my headphones off then he leaned down and kissed me, catching me slightly off guard.

"How was it your grandfather said it was pronounced? Tha gaol agam ort?" He said and I gasped as I realized what he meant.

"Yata, I love you too." I whispered and he smiled as he leaned down and kissed me again, pushing my quilt to the floor. He blindly grabbed my headphones and phone then dropped them on the quilt, pushing my shirt up with the other hand. I smiled against his lips then sat up and we pulled our shirts off. He laid me back down and I smiled as he pulled my shorts off, more than happy he was my first and I his.

{*My love, wake up.}

Yata's Childhood FriendWhere stories live. Discover now