#4- Brenda Feilds

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Name: Brenda Feilds

Died at age: 26

Height: 5'4"

Appearance: Asian-American female, black hair, green eyes. Heavier set, always wears tight clothing.

Occupation: Chef


This story will make you think twice before you bully someone in high school while also making sure that you never want to eat at a restaurant again, trust me.

Brenda Feilds was always picked on for her weight and her clothing choice.

She didn't have any friends growing up, so like many lonely people, she found a hobby.

Two hobbies to be exact.

Brenda was crazy into the sciences and cooking.

A deathly combination if you ask me. I can't believe no one saw this coming.

Now Brenda was bullied as a teenager in Pinewood's local high school.

Very badly.

But Brenda didn't let that stop her, she got a degree in the sciences but instead of perusing that career, she opened up a local restaurant in Pinewood.

Weird right? I mean why would a scientist want to open up a restaurant?

That's exactly what I thought too.

Thinking back, it makes perfect sense now.

You see, Brenda here was no defenceless school girl.


She was a revenge seeker.

A killer.

Brenda invited all the people from her graduating class at Pinewood, those who hadn't left town of course, and invited them to her restaurant for dinner.

All together there was about 23 people. A pretty good turnout for such a small town if you ask me.

Especially for what Brenda was planning on cooking up (HA I'm hilarious just wait, you'll get it soon enough).

First she brought out the drinks.

Everyone complimented her on how good her special drink was saying how it tasted like cherries.

Meanwhile Brenda just stood there smirking as all the people that were mean to her in high school sat there complementing and sucking up to her profoundly.

Three days later thirteen of the guests dropped dead.

And the rest were admitted to the hospital.

Each and every one of them died within the next couple days.

People didn't know what had happened.

The town was hysterical, panicking about how it might happen to them. The doctors didn't know what it was, therefore they didn't have a cure.

But they didn't have to worry much longer. Brenda was moving to a new town to start fresh. To start a new life.

But karma got to her first and guess what karma did?

It pushed her off the local bridge and into the rocky waters below, drowning her. Apparently she couldn't swim.

Oh karma.

It's beautiful isn't it?

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