#2- Matthew Charles

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Name: Matthew Charles

Died at age: 19

Height: 6'4"

Appearance: Caucasian male, blond hair, blue eyes. Mostly wears jeans and black shirts. Always hunched over his phone or reading on his tablet, doesn't really seem inviting.

Occupation: Waiter


Now this is a lovely story, one I had the pleasure of finding out.

Matthew was that quiet kid that always sat alone in the cafeteria and didn't really have any friends. He was a transfer student at the local university. From where? Nobody knows.

You never really knew anything about this kid though, he was quiet and didn't really speak to anyone. He was an outsider.

Well that's what he wanted everyone to think.

Our Matthew here was actually busy making bombs in his basement. Fucking psychopath.

How do I know this you ask? Well just keep reading.

I saw these bombs. Trust me they were good ones too. None of that Wikipedia shit was used to make them. They were the real deal.

Matthew here was part of a terrorist act. They were planning on blowing up the town, or the university for that matter, since it would inflict the most damage.

Now why didn't they just drop the bombs from planes you ask? That's because these terrorists wanted to show everyone how much power they had. How they could send in a nineteen year old boy and get him to earn the trust of the towns people over the years and then get him to blow up a whole town while we weren't suspecting a thing.

These terrorists wanted death.

They wanted fear.

They wanted sacrifice.

Matthew wanted these things too.

Well they all got those things. They got death. They got fear. They got sacrifice.

Just not in the way they wanted.

Three nights before Matthew was planning to attack the local university someone snuck into his dorm and slit his throat.

The killer was never caught, and Matthew died as a "victim".

I'm pretty sure the exact words the paper used to report the incident were, "Innocent University Student Dies Horrible Death".

But I knew the truth.

I knew what happened.

Who killed him.

And the truth was, Matthew wasn't really innocent at all.

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