#3- Martin Lowe

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Name: Martin Lowe

Died at age: 22

Height: 5'11"

Appearance: African American male, short cropped black hair, black eyes. Always wearing comfy clothes and work boots.

Occupation: Hunter


Martin Lowe.

Personally I think his is one of the least impressive secrets I've uncovered.

Martin was a hunter. A very good one at that. But he was also very dumb.

One day when Martin was out hunting he saw a rabid squirrel running up a tree, the foam was just pouring out of its mouth.

Any logical person would have walked away from it. But nope, Martin was insane.

He shot the squirrel and put it in his bag for later.

When he got home that night he cleaned and skinned the animal and then cooked it for dinner.

Now any smart person would know that once an animal gets rabies, it is infected forever unless it is treated in time, which in this case it was not, considering it was a wild animal.

But like I said before, Martin isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. So he ate the rabies infected animal and washed it down with some milk.

A couple days later, Martin started to feel a little funny but like the idiot he was, he ignored it, not even considering it could be from the squirrel he ate.

The next day he woke up to a foam like substance on his pillowcase.

He touched his lips and sure enough it was there.

But he ignored it. He was probably just drooling in his sleep right? Wrong.

Slowly Martin began to loose all of the little human sense he had and was now foaming at the mouth like crazy.

He was barely human, with his wild eyes, messed up hair, ripped and bitten body.

He was a monster. Never going out during the day and keeping to the shadows at night when he'd look for animals or trash to eat on the sides of the streets.

Someone felt bad for him though and decided to put Martin out of his misery.

One night someone crept into Martins room and shot him three times.

Once in the ribs.

Once in the chest.

And once right between his eyes.

The police found him in the morning. Apparently one of the neighbors had called in about hearing gun shots.

They declared him dead to the town of Pinewood, saying that the rabies had driven him to suicide and the adrenaline pumping through his body kept him alive long enough so that he could shoot himself three times.

When I read that newspaper article I just laughed at their coverup. I guess they didn't want to scare the town with more murderer stories.

Now, Martin might have killed the human part of himself.

But someone else killed the monster he had become.

And I know who that someone else is.

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