Where Saito Went (part 2)

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Because people die when they are killed," I hissed. "And that's something I don't particularly want to happen to you! There's a vampire over there, so shut up!"

He immediately shut up, the had over his mouth being quite effective.

Even so, it seemed the vampire had heard us, or seen us, or both.

"Oh hello... hope I wasn't interrupting," A high, stupidly cheery voice said, staring down at the both of us, frozen, staring up at him with wide eyes, Yu-chan slammed up against the concrete slab, my hand over his mouth. Oh,. Well... I guess that might look a little bit... well.

I blushed quickly, a stark contrast against my unnaturally pale skin tone. "No no no no no you misunderstand!"I hastily denied. "I- we-"

"Aaaaaaaand I'm going to have to stop you right there, no matter what your story might be. I'm being quite rude, I know, but I'm sure I far outrank you, even though you are a vampire. And I frankly don't care. Are you nobility? I don't see your hood up, so there's a good possibility you are," he said. I had only known him for a few seconds and I already hated him so much. The vampire had on a tailcoat with ridiculously long tails, and a fat bow on his collar. Just the outfit alone was really enough to annoy me, without his own personality to go with it...

"I'll have you know, Mika's-" Yu interrupted, trying and failing to defend me.

"Na na na na na na na na not you, livestock. I want to hear it from someone who might or might not matter," he interrupted right back. I wanted to kill that man. I wanted to see the light drain from his eyes just for that comment. I gritted my teeth together, and I wouldn't have been surprised if sparks flew from my mouth.

"I was turned by Her Majesty Krul Tepes herself," I answered him with contempt. I had a strong feeling he outranked me, so I didn't chance it.

"Oh... impressive. So you would be what, an 8th or 9th progenitor?" he asked, cogitating. I didn't really deserve that assumption, it wasn't that simple with me. It was weird and complicated like with Crowley and his Turned-By-Ferid-But-With-Saito's-Blood thing. I barely understood the whole progenitor system without all its weird loopholes and exceptions. I wasn't a progenitor, really, but I definitely wasn't a normal vampire, or a servant. But maybe I kind of was, to Krul and Ferid? I didn't know what to call myself.

"But still. I'm a 5th progenitor, Ky Luc himself... yeah, you've probably heard of me," he said with his chest out, proudly boasting like he'd practiced the sentence. "But I have one more question for you, Turned-By-The-Queen-san," he made air quotes. "What on earth are you doing hanging around with a human, and no less than one of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army? Is he your subservient personal food source, or are you a treasonous little so-and-so? Why, if so, we should have you crucified and subjected to exposure torture!"

Exposure torture?! I looked up at the overcast, heavy sky. Not in this weather. But still... even if you can't see them, UV rays from the sun shine through the clouds. My skin crawled at the thought of being subjected to that. It would be far worse pain than a human body was even capable of feeling. But vampires can feel things humans can't and really rather wouldn't. I didn't think I was going to let that happen.

But I still didn't want to lie and say things a normal vampire would, things that talked down to humans like they were lower than vampires, that disrespected Yu-chan. I wouldn't say outright that Yu-chan was just with me for his blood, because it just wasn't true. But... I still had to act like that.

"Get away from him, he's mine!" I said posessively, grabbing him. To further convince this Ky Luc of the act, I immediately bit his neck and drank the blood, still secretly savoring it. Since he had eaten now, he was probably fine. Yu-chan didn't object, he even closed his eyes and sighed with an odd smile on his face. Honestly... I still didn't really understand why he liked it so much, it seemed to me like it would be moderately painful and just generally pretty weird.

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