Where Saito Went (pt1)

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Chapter 10: Where Saito Went

Timeline: THREE HOURS EARLIER- starting at the same time as Ferid's part at 10-ish, so, a while ago.

(Mika's POV, 1st Person)

I sat, staring at Yu's sleeping face. For his sake, I had tried to sleep. I had woken up at about four in the morning, though. Since I hadn't really slept for four years, I guess my body didn't have any idea how to do it correctly anymore. But I hadn't the heart to wake Yu-chan, who had been snoring since... oh, I don't know, about two hours after I woke up? It had been quite longer than that and I had gotten a bit bored. I wish there was a working clock in here, the one that was here just said 88:88 like that was a real time. All I had to tell time was the sun. And I wasn't exactly partial to the sun... it hurt my eyes.

And I was growing a little thirsty again too. It was like an itch, creeping up out of nowhere just when you thought you were done with it. It was nagging me annoyingly.

Yu groaned and turned over. He awoke, opening his eyes blearily. "I'm hungry," was the first thing he said.

Oh! I had completely forgotten he, like, needed normal food to survive. And we didn't really have any of that in supply, did we? Hm. "We'll have to go out and find you some food then, won't we," I said. "You snore by the way. Like, really loudly." I couldn't help myself. I laughed.

"Oh... sorry. I guess we should. Are you thirsty, Mika?' he asked, looking up at me, wrapped in my cloak, with his collar popped again like he always had it, the overconfident snob. I loved him.

Augh... I didn't want to lie to him, but I also didn't want to drink his blood when he was already hungry, he'd be really weak. "Um, yeah... a little," I said, ashamed of myself. I stared down at the floor. It had a very intricately patterned carpet placed quite conveniently there just for that reason. (or not.)

"You can drink my blood, Mika. It'll be fine," he offered.

"Mmm...nnn... Nyaaa..." I kind of groaned.

"Cmon, Mika, we've been over this." Yu rolled his eyes, sighing.

"Agh, ok, fine, I concede," I agreed reluctantly, my eyes skirting back to the door, making sure it was still locked. "Um, so... should I-?" I reached out towards him, not wanting to seem like I was too eager.

"Carry on," he said, blushing. Yeah... he was the one who was too eager. Not... not that I had a problem with that. I reached forward and tentatively held his shoulders, staring at the unblemished skin of his neck. The bite mark from yesterday had already disappeared... that demon of his certainly was effective in healing his injuries. I had to be a little grateful for that, because he was reckless and got injured often. Quite often.

I stared at it a little while longer before brushing back his hair and biting his neck. His blood was delicious, far better than Krul's had ever been, even back when my body had been able to tolerate it. It had just been like water, a way to stay alive. This was... I imagine it was better than normal human blood too... this was a delicacy, much like expensive, amazing food. I remembered what I could no longer have with fondness, but this was still better. I could survive literally on Yu-chan's love alone. Not many people could say that.

I made a mental note never to tell Ferid of his blood's amazingness, for if I did, he might get ideas...

I was drinking his blood again, I had my lips to his neck and I was licking the blood off of it rapidly, and he was smiling stupidly, and I could hardly believe it even though it was really happening. I gave in and lost myself... for a second too long.

I had been so distracted by Yu-chan that I had not noticed the fact that he had fainted in my arms. Oh... crap. I had drunk too much. I had known that this was a bad idea... consumed by guilt, I quickly clasped my hand over the wound, trying to make sure my boyfriend didn't die because of me.

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