Shinya Has a Feeling

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Headcanon: The day of the Catasprophe, Guren confessed to Shinya and they.... did the frickle frackle( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but Shinya forgot when the curse was activated cuz when you die you lose some of your memories

Timeline: explosion happens during this one, same time as Shinoa's part and also Mika's part (which is right after Mitsu's part)

(Shinya's POV, 3rd Person)

Shinya knew he was supposed to be on the tower with Yoichi, getting a head start on the vampire Lucal Wesker. But Guren, Mito, Sayuri, Shigure, and Goshi had all gone off to fight without him. Normally he would be ok with that, knowing they could handle themselves. But deep inside of him he felt a growing sense of dread. What if something happened to Guren? They did have some pretty lofty goals for this mission, Guren had not even told him which vampire he was planning on fighting...

These suspicions had grown in Shinya, and now he was quite sure something was going to happen. So he never showed up to teach Yoichi to snipe, sure he could manage on his own. Instead, he snuck up behind them as they, in turn, snuck up to a building that supposedly had vampires in it.

Obviously, he had cast spells so that his feet made no sound as he walked, and another one to render him invisible. He was virtually undetectable.

Shinya smiled to himself despite the situation. He had used these spells many times before, randomly following Guren home from First Shibuya High School back eight years ago. He had been pretty sure Guren had noticed at least a couple times, what with his superior magic detecting skillz and whatever. But he had never said anything... so neither had Shinya. He had managed never to mention it for eight whole years.

"Mito. Goshi. You guys take care of the regular vampires outside the gate. I'm sure you'll be able to handle a few," Guren ordered them, pointing in the direction of the vampires stationed there. They nodded and walked off purposefully. Guren then turned to Sayuri and Shigure. "You guys back me up here. I've got two things to tell you. One, Kureto might show up. He has a... tendency... to do that when he thinks we might disobey orders." His eyes narrowed, his brow furrowed.

Everyone's faces wrinkled in disgust at the mention of Kureto. Kureto Hiragi, basically the leader of the whole Japanese Imperial Demon Army. They all hated him with passion. Even Shinya, Kureto's adoptive brother, hated the sight of him. Why couldn't he have died when the world ended?

Shinya really hadn't ever thought of himself as a Hiragi, even though it had officially been his last name since he was ten. There had been no choice in the matter- it was literally win and marry Mahiru, or die, if you were chosen to battle for the chance. Only the bestest and the brightest. That wasn't really a good reward for being talented...

"If that happens... I have a plan for him," he continued, smiling wryly. "But the other thing- I need you two to help fight. Because... we will be up against... Crowley Eusford, a thirteenth progenitor vampire."

Everyone gasped. Three humans fighting against a thirteenth progenitor?! It was unheard of! Crowley was reputed to be much more powerful than his title would suggest, on top of that! Even his whole squad against Crowley, of all people, would practically be a suicide mission! What was Guren thinking?!?

All of these thoughts and more raced through Shinya's head. He almost dropped his fuda. No wonder Guren had assigned him elsewhere, he was trying to protect him from their fate!

As much as Shinya wanted to blush and stop a while to let his thoughts fixate on Guren's affection, he shook his head, trying to keep it out of the Guren shaped clouds. He could not afford to go there now, as much as he wanted to. This was not ok. What was Guren planning?

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