Happy For This Short Time

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Timeline: later, at night, no other parts going on at the same time (the next ones after this come in the morning)

(Mika's POV, 1st Person)

"Yu- your friends... they're not coming back." I broke the silence as we stared at the empty, abandoned buildings in front of us. My pessimism was useful sometimes. It balanced out Yu's overly optimistic personality.

At Yu's insistence, we had walked all the way back to where he had last seen his human friends.. I knew they weren't going to be there. I knew that all that would do was break his heart. But he needed some sense of closure, so he could finally let go.

"I..." he stared as if something might change about the barren landscape around him. "At least I still have you, Mika," he said, accepting the fact of life.

We stood alone together in the middle of the rubble- strewn street. It had taken a long while to find the spot where he had originally fought the vampire. (I didn't trust his rendition of the vampire's name- loopy doo doo? Really?) It was quite a lot later in the day than before we had set off. Of course, we had spent quite a while a bit... indisposed. The sun was already setting behind broken buildings, and Yu's silhouette was stark against the sky.

I stared at him, intently. Stared at his wild black hair, his disheveled uniform, his hastily unbuttoned collar... the crimson red stain on his neckline, dried blood in two dots. I felt a pang of guilt.

"Yu... it's getting late. You need to sleep. We better find some shelter," I said, glad he didn't insist on looking elsewhere.

"Well, you need to sleep too, don't you, Mika?" he countered. "It's not just me who has needs, you know. Don't neglect yourself just because I'm here. I'm not completely helpless, you know. And it's not that late."

"I don't actually need to sleep, hardly as much as you. I can sleep, but it's not exactly essential."

"Mika..." he sighed. "Now that you mention it, I am actually... really tired. Can you... hold me?" he says, haltingly, tentatively. Says the one who just complained he wasn't helpless. Look at him now, just as I tell him I don't need to sleep. What a coincidence... I have a feeling he was tired the whole time, but just hiding it.

I was surprised and pleased at the same time. "Yes, of course, Yu-chan, I'll carry you if you're tired," I said and picked him up, my vampiric strength helpful. He was almost the same size and practically the same weight as me, and I could hold him as if he was no more than a baby. He naturally curled into me, limp in my arms. My face broke into a smile for once in my life. Yu yawned and, I swear, fell asleep right there in my arms. I almost literally exploded.

I walked forwards towards the buildings, with my Yu-chan held in my hands, looking for a building that wasn't completely destroyed.

Two minutes later, I found a building with a working door that would open. That would seem like pretty low standards, but every other building was much worse. I opened the door with one hand while simultaneously still holding Yu in the other. The sound of hollow footsteps echoed through the room as I walked inside. Yes, this would be sufficient for his standards.

I walked past a couple collapsed rooms, trying to ignore the presence of the bodies of 2 young demon army soldiers, both female. They were holding hands. I closed that door so he wouldn't have to see it. Those might have even been his friends, they seem to be about our age.

Once I reached a point in which we were far enough away from that room, I opened the door to the nearest (not collapsed) room that seemed normal. It seemed to be some sort of office or something, maybe a psychiatrist's office. There was carpet on the floor and some weird sort of couch. Well, it didn't really matter. I gently lay Yu down on the couch thing and took off my cloak, letting it fall on top of him like a blanket. At that, he awoke.

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