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Carsir's POV

My knuckles were screaming silently in pain. I stared at the red flesh instead of the bustling room I was standing in. I ignored the dull ache my heart radiated and focused on my hands, pretending to be interested in the pain I had inflicted upon myself. The night before, as I stood under the jets of my shower, my mind wandered. As always, it wandered to Elena. My Elena.

My Elena getting married to my father.

I punched the tiled wall, once. Once more. Again. I punched until they were bloodied and raw, thick, red liquid oozing down my hands. But even the burning pain couldn't distract me from the fact that I was losing Elena.

"Carsir," my father called. My head snapped up and I approached him as he adjusted the sleeves of his suit. He wore an expensive, black suit, his hair slicked back, shining against the late afternoon sunshine. "How do I look?" I forced a smile.

"Just fine, father," I said, holding my hands behind my back. He nodded thoughtfully, stroking his beard.

"Have you prepared your speech?"


"Good. Well, go to your spot, the ceremony should begin soon," Alias finished, dismissing me with his hands. I took a deep breath and walked to the front row of pews, sitting beside Chase. We wore matching light gray suits and blank expressions. We had all completely ignored the steamy threesome that had taken place only nights before. It was merely an event that took place because of the alcohol, despite me being completely sober.

"Angry?" Chase asked me, his eyes fixed at the settling audience. The Angel high families sat at the left side of the church and the Demon high families on the left. There was a tension in the room, invisible but on everybody's mind as they avoided making eye contact with each other.

"Furious. What about you?"

"Scared for her," he said softly. My father came up the stairs to the altar, standing on the right side of the slab of stone that was set on the ground. The wedding ceremony itself was unique, a mix of both the cultural traditions to have a middle ground that we both agreed on. In angelic weddings, vows and a blood binding as typically done. In our weddings, vows were also said as well as branding our partner's name into our skin. Elena and Alias agreed on vows and the blood binding. She claimed to be uncomfortable with the idea of having her name branded onto him when my mother's name was still embedded into his skin.

"She's a strong girl," I said but closed my mouth soon after as soft music started. The audience quieted down, the sound of violins filling the room. The Angel Priest stood at the front of the room beside my father when the doors swung open. I turned my head.

All I could see was Elena.

She stood at the back of the room, the gorgeous white dress swirling over her body. The gown fit her snugly around her chest and fell down straight by her waist. Her hair was twisted into a neat updo, a crown nestled in her thick locks. In her trembling hands was a bouquet of flowers, white like her dress. Words could not even begin to describe how beautiful she looked.

I pursed my lips as she slowly made her way up the aisle, eyes following her every move. I could've sworn she looked my way but no, they were focused on my father who had a huge grin on his face. I held back my emotions and remained passive as she faced Alias. The priest spoke but the words blurred as my thoughts grew fizzy, my eyes filling with tears.


I blinked them away quickly before anyone could notice, taking deep breaths to calm myself down. I couldn't cry. I wasn't supposed to cry.

"-I first met you, I was mesmerized by your obvious beauty. And before I knew it, I was in love with you. I am excited to live my life with you, and have you by my side as I rule my people. I can't wait to start a family with you Elena, the sooner the better," my father said, winking. The audience laughed lightly but I gritted my teeth together. He didn't love her, he didn't know what love meant. She was just another pawn in his never-ending game of chess. Elena smiled and cleared her throat softly.

"Alias, I didn't know much about you until my aunt introduced you to me. It was life changing to say the very least. You had so much power and I already knew you would protect me and my people. That is the biggest reason why I," she took a breath, "love you. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us." The audience cooed over the falsely heartfelt words before the priest spoke.

"We bring these two people in love together by the binding of their blood to show how deep-rooted their union is," he said, handing Alias a knife. He closed his fist around the blade and sliced his palm open, the liquid dropping into the carved stone. Elena took the bloodied knife from him and repeated his actions. Her face remained indifferent even as the blade cut into her flesh, dripping down her hands. The slab was slightly angled so they followed the carvings, coming together at the bottom and pouring into a goblet.

The priest lifted the goblet into the air, handing off to my father who took a sip of the metallic tasting liquid. His lips came back bloodstained, smiling as Elena took a sip too. Her lips too were stained with scarlet.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest finished, taking a step back. Alias tugged Elena's wrist forward roughly, pulling her into her arms. He whispered something in her ear before their lips met.

I looked away.

I stared at my knuckles a little longer while Elena and Alias walked down the aisle. The audience rose and cheered, throwing flower petals overtop their heads. Their hands were intertwined as they passed by me to the outside. The crowd followed behind them as Lords and Ladies approached them. Elena was hugged and my father was clapped on the back.

I lagged, loitering near the church doors, my fingers itching to grab a cigarette from my pocket. I didn't smoke very often, I used it to treat myself once in a while. I spun on heel and headed around the church to a park that led into a forest. I stood at the opening of the forest and leaned against the tree, fishing for a lighter in my pocket. I lit the cigarette and brought it to my lips, falling into my thoughts.

I hated myself for getting close to Elena. I let myself be vulnerable to her and she held a power over me that I couldn't begin to describe. When I first met her, I just wanted a quick fuck but I quickly realized how amazing she was. Not only in bed, which she definitely was, but her bright personality. She was so strong, passionate and caring. I hated it. I hated her for doing this to me.

I tapped the ashes off and pressed the cigarette to my lips again when a twig snapped behind me.

"I didn't know you smoked," was Elena said. I slowly let the air out of my lungs, a puff of smoke leaving my lips. I held it out to her but she shook her head.

"I don't do it very often." I took another hit, scuffing the bottom of my shoe against the ground. "Why are you here?" She took a step towards me, glancing behind her then placing her hand on my arm.

"I saw you run off and got worried. Are you feeling okay?" Her voice was thick and I met her gaze to see her eyes filled with tears. My heart wilted at the sight of her. I dropped the cigarette on the concrete path and stubbed it out before turning my attention to her. A tear slid down her cheek and I cupped her face, my thumb brushing it off. I pressed my lips against hers for only a second before pulling away. Far away.

"You should go," I said before walking away.

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