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"I'll be fine, aunt. Long, gold, and makes me look decent. Talk to you later." I hung up after almost an hour of insisting going alone would be the best. The last thing I needed was a high family member showing up and me having to make up stories so Lincoln wouldn't suspect anything. It was nearly noon as I made my way out.


I arrived there five minutes late. I paid the cabbie and jumped out. I spotted Lincoln standing near the entrance of the store, standing tall and scanning the perimeter. His eyes met mine and he smiled, reminding me of how handsome he was. He stood just under 6 feet but his best feature was the contrast of his pale skin and warm brown eyes. Lean and thin, willowy almost.

"Lincoln!" I exclaimed, flinging myself into his arms. He easily caught me and lifted me up into his arms, my legs wrapped around his narrow waist. I squeezed him, burying my head into his chest.

"You're just as beautiful as I remembered," he murmured, gently releasing me onto the ground. I looked at him, a ridiculous grin on my face. "I regret ever leaving you." I bit my lip, and grabbed his hand, pulling him into the store. Soft classical music surrounded us as a young lady approached us.

"Welcome to Faustina's, how may I help you today?" I looked past her at the rows and rows of elegant dress, and multiple closed doors which I assumed held dressing rooms and showrooms.

"I'm looking for a dress, of course. Gold, long, and decent looking," I said, repeating my aunt's wishes. Lincoln drew tiny circles on the back of my hand and I swallowed hard, pushing the thoughts out of my head. The lady nodded and gestured for us to follow her. She took us both to one of the rooms, opening the door to reveal a large room. Inside were couches lined up, facing a small runway, mirrors covering the wall.

"Just wait here while I look for some dresses. The change room is back there, and there's complimentary champagne." I smiled as she left us alone. Linc pulled me into the room and we sat on the center couch. His eyes looked at my hand which was no longer in a thick cast but wrapped with a thinner bandage.

"I'm not even going to bother asking about your cast so let's get to the juicy stuff, are you seeing anyone?" I opened my mouth to reply with a no, then remembered Carsir. You're not even dating! I shook my head, smiling. "I don't believe you! Elena Ambrose doesn't get dick? No fucking way." I poured us both champagne and handed him one glass.

"Hey, who said I don't get dick?" I teased, smiling devilishly. "What about you, Lincoln? Are you getting any?"

"I was dating one girl a while ago, you know, trying to get back into the dating world. It didn't last too long," he said, running a hand through his short hair. The lady returned, carrying a pile of dresses in her arms. I set down my untouched glass and got to my feet, grabbing them from her.

"Would you like me to come in with you?" she asked, smiling at me politely.

"No, that's actually all I need thank you." She nodded and closed the door behind her. "Get ready for a fashion show." Lincoln grinned, clapping his hands together as I entered the change room.

The first dress only took seconds to put on. I exited the room and did an overdramatic catwalk, posing for Linc. "What do you think?" The dress was nice but was less gold and more bronze, a difference my Aunt Valeria would definitely pick on.

"You could wear a paper bag and it would look good," Linc said.

"Oh shut up," I replied, rolling my eyes. The dress was a no.

"What is this dress for anyways?" I swallowed and took a breath before meeting his eyes through the mirror.

"Just a party I have to go to with my aunt. Strict dress code," I answered, the words thick in my mouth.

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