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I watched his hand wrapped around another woman's hip, hanging dangerously low. She leaned forward, grinding shamelessly against my boyfriend. The lights flashed around them in the club, illuminating them as if they were in the spotlight. I gritted my teeth together as Christian pulled on her hair and I could see her open to moan. That was the last straw for me.

I pushed past sweaty bodies aggressively, red in my vision. I stormed up to Christian and struck him right across his face. Through his drunken state, he hadn't seen me approach him, but as soon as my fist made contact with his cheek, he sobered up. "Elena?" He cradled his face, his eyes widening in fear. "W-what are you doing here?"

The woman who was grinding on Christian a minute ago straightened up and came close, looking down at me. She towered well over me, clad in at least 5-inch heels, whereas I barely reached her chin in my flats. But I didn't cower. "And who the fuck are you?" she demanded, bending down as a mockery.

"You're grinding on my boyfriend- well my ex-boyfriend now," I added, giving Christian a disgusted side eye. His face was pale, blood dripping down his nose. I felt triumphant and hoped that I had caused some permanent damage.

"You're joking, right? As if he would get with you." This bitch. I cracked my already sore knuckles, ready to fight this whore.

"Jenny stop," Christian called, hiding behind Jenny like a pussy. "Let's go from here." Jenny raised her eyebrows and pouted her lips at me playfully. My hands were fists at my sides, my anger clawing at me to be released.

"Do you want us to go?" she asked in a baby, jeering at me. "Would that make little you happy?" A crowd has circled around us, even the DJ turned the music to a low beat. I was surprised the bouncer hadn't come to pull us apart. Christian pulled at her arm, his eyes pleading. Christian knew to be afraid, he knew I wasn't afraid of fights. He was smart.

Jenny snapped her head to look back at him. "What the fuck-" I took that as the perfect opportunity to pull at her blonde hair. She fell onto the floor with a yelp and I didn't hesitate to pounce on her, punching the shit out of her. I threw hit after hit, blood gushing out of her mouth and nose, my hands screaming in protest.

I wasn't planning on fighting her, but every belittling comment roused the anger in me. People shouted around us, cameras flashed as I was filmed. But seconds later, arms wrapped around me, pulling me off of Jenny. "Let me go!" I screamed, attempting to kick at Jenny but unable to reach her. "Don't touch me, you fucker!"

I didn't stop flailing about until I was pulled far from where the fight took place. I stopped fighting the bouncer, breathing hard. Sweat dripped off my skin and my hand was aching. "Go to the hospital," the bouncer said, releasing me. "You're fighting was admirable but, I'm gonna have to ban you from coming back here." I got to my feet and looked at him, nodding in understanding.

"That cheating fucker and his whore deserve a whole lot worse," I finished, exiting the building with my head held high. As soon as I got outside, I lost my tough-girl act, tears pricking at my eyes. Chase told me earlier that he found out that Christian was cheating on me. I'd been dating him for 5 months, and I had begun to care for him a lot. I didn't believe Chase because there was no way my Christian could hurt me like that. My Christian cuddled with me in bed and watched movies all night. My Christian whispered sweet nothings in my ear when I was sad. But my Christian also returned from work late. My Christian called rain checks for date nights, excuses in hand.

My hands were bruised, purple and red all over the knuckles, blood oozing from where I had split them. I slid onto the cold ground outside, dampened by the rain from earlier that morning. I wiped away a few stray tears shakily, my limbs aching. I needed to let go of him, but I found myself holding onto our happy memories, like when he surprised me with concert tickets on my birthday, a concert that had had yet to happen. I bit my trembling lip, shivering but in too much pain to walk to my car.

"Need a ride?" A deep voice rumbled from the shadows. I flinched surprised, and turned to the voice.

I shook my head, "No thanks, I have a car."

"After that fight, I'd be surprised if you could drive to the hospital by yourself," he said, coming out of the dark. As the dim street lights hit him, I scanned the tall man and I received more than I bargained for. The handsome stranger smiled at me, flashing a set of perfectly white teeth. He held out his hand, and I took it, pulling me to my feet. I met his eyes, and I couldn't stop staring into the orbs. At first glance, they looked to be blue but the longer I stared, it became green with specks of brown. Then blue again. I blinked, looking down at our touching hands and saw the tattoos spread over his fingers. It was then that I noticed the tattoos spiraled all over him. They twisted over his hands, burly arms, and but stopped there. They didn't dare cross over to his face and invade the beauty that was his bare face.

Over top his eyes sat thick brows, maintained but wild. Just like his eyes. His cheekbones sat high and sharp, matching his strong jaw. I had to hold back a gasp as I had never laid my eyes upon such a beautiful specimen. Heat pooled between my legs. I couldn't help it, I had a thing for tattoos. "The name's Carsir." It sounded familiar, but I couldn't pinpoint exactly where I had heard it.

"Elena," I introduced, strangely aroused. Carsir cocked his head, studying me. "Do you think you can call a taxi for me?"

"No need. I'll drive you to the hospital," he said finally. I noticed how he was at least a foot taller than me. I shook my head. "Think of it as a favour." I didn't trust him, how could I? Though, he was familiar I couldn't go with him.

"If I wanted to hurt you, Elena, I already would of," he whispered and I shivered. I loved the way my name rolled off his tongue, it made me feel some way. I didn't have anything to lose.

"Let's go," I said. He nodded, sliding his hand into mine. I liked him, he was direct with his motives. Carsir lead us to his car and opened the passenger side for me. "Thanks." I hopped in, my heart thumping in my chest. He slid into the other side and drove off into the night. His car was fancy, expensive meaning he had money.

"Your ex-best friend?" he asked, a few minutes into the ride. I relaxed a little when I saw the signs directing the way to the hospital.


"The girl you were fighting," he explained. I laughed quietly, then a little harder, a few stray tears leaking out.

"She was my boyfriend's side chick -or maybe I was the side chick, I don't even know anymore honestly- and Christian was my boyfriend, the one hiding behind her." I released a shaky breath. "We weren't dating for that long, but it- it really sucks." I dried the last of my tears as the hospital came into view. "Thanks for the ride."

"I'm coming with you," Carsir insisted and I didn't argue. I wasn't one to complain about having the company of a beautiful man. He parked the car and we walked into the hospital. Carsir loitered in the waiting room while I was taken in to be checked out.

I returned with a broken finger on my left hand and a black splint covering it. Carsir's eyes fell onto the splint and he chuckled, a grin spreading from one ear to the other. "Shut up," I said before he could tease me.

"What?" He gave me a feigned look of innocence. "I was going to compliment you." I rolled my eyes.

"It's hideous, but I didn't have any choice," I explained. We slowly exited the hospital, my injured hand held to my stomach. My right hand was covered in band-aids from the split knuckles. Carsir's arms wound around my shoulder, pulling me towards him. We neared the car and before we split to enter the vehicle, he leaned over to whisper in my ear. His lips grazed by ear, send chills down my spine.

"It doesn't make you look any less beautiful," he breathed. I gasped inaudibly, not expecting that. He was too good to be true; attractive and nice? I looked up at him and grabbed the lapels of his coat. Our faces were inches apart, moving closer and closer together. I felt his hot breath on my lips, minty and refreshing. Unconsciously, my tongue darted out to wet my bottom lip. His eyes followed that motion, darkening in what I could only assume was lust. When I felt his lips touch mine, I turned my head, knowing that once we started, we wouldn't stop. I whispered urgently in his ear.

"We should go back to my apartment."

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed chapter one! This book will not be coming with weekly updates (haven't come up with a schedule yet) so add it to your library to receive notifications whenever I post!

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