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I woke up to Chase nudging roughly at my arm, tossing my sheets off of me. I groaned, reluctantly peeling my eyes open to see him with a glare on his face. I knew he was still mad at Carsir, and the anger followed to the next morning. I sighed and sat up.

"What happened?" I noticed he was fully dressed in skinny jeans, a gray t-shirt and black topcoat hanging off his shoulders. He stepped back.

"The Council wants to have a meeting with you, now," he announced. I got to my feet and headed to the bathroom to clean up.

"Why don't they call meetings beforehand and give me some notice?" I complained through the closed door. I finished up and exited to get dressed. My fingers brushed by my casual clothes and remembered who my audience was and pulled a dress off the hanger. Chase watched as I got dressed, but I didn't care if he saw me naked. It was just body parts, and either way, they weren't the parts he liked. I brushed my hair out and barely got on a coat of mascara before Chase sighed.

"Oh please, hurry up! We're keeping them waiting!" Muttering under my breath, I struggled with one arm but eventually screwed the cap on the bottle, and grabbed my purse and shoes before we rushed out of the house. Immediately, I regretted not bringing a sweater as the cool air tickled my bare arms.

"We'll get coffee on the way there," Chase decided, as we piled into the car. He sped down the road, stopping for a drink before we arrived at the house. All the meetings and official council business took place at the place of the royalty's choosing. Because of my Aunt Valeria's bedridden meeting, we climbed upstairs to see a large table set, my aunt sitting at one end. She remained in a bed, but a smaller one than yesterday, size enough to fit the width of the table.

I sat in the single empty chair beside my aunt, meeting the gaze of every angel present there. Three men and three women watched me solemnly as I set my coffee down, and sitting up straight. The council was made of the royal family and the head of important families. Once I was settled, Leia Raziel stood.

"The council stands today on the request of our beloved Majesty, Queen Valeria Idris Ambrose. We stand to serve her and protect the Angels of the West," she droned the introduction statement. I almost rolled my eyes at her words. "Now, we will listen to her Majesty speak."

My aunt straightened in her bed. "It is known that I am ill, and will not live for much longer. That is the honest, brute truth and in light of recent events, I have decided it is best we start preparations for Elena's coronation." All eyes fell on me, judging my character and how worthy I might have been. I gulped and watched back calmly. The head's of the six families stared back, power and greed in their eyes. Raziel, Aurelian, Caspian, Cleanthe, Acantha, and Acacius. We might have been angels, but sin was nothing new to us. They wanted the power that came with royalty, and they were going to fight for it.

"My niece is next in line, but as the accords state, objections on the heir may be made. Are there any objections that wished to be said?" There was a brief moment of silence before Gideon Cleanthe stood. I took a deep breath.

"No offence of course," he smirked sarcastically at me before continuing, "Elena Ambrose is young, she is barely 23! She cannot handle the pressure of being Queen." I licked my lips, a snarky reply ready at my lips. This was the best part. I had to defend my own honour and my status against these hungry animals. I got to my feet.

"Lord Cleanthe, keep in mind that the Queen herself was coronated when she was younger than me. I believe I am fit as I have our people's best interests in mind." Gideon nodded and took a seat, red blossoming across his supple cheeks. Tension hung heavy in the air before Julian Acacius interrupted.

"I mean no offence also, but I have heard many rumours of Elena spending time with many men. Doing unholy deeds," he shuddered. He was an older gentleman, maybe in his late 60s and I was sure the meeting was one of his last ones before his offsprings take over. He was a traditional man with traditional views, but I couldn't lie to the council.

"My personal life does not interfere with council matters or any matters, Lord Acacius. I understand your concern but, it will not harm any of you," I finished. Good answer, I told myself. I didn't lie, just held back the truth a little. I felt my aunt's eyes boring holes into my back when I finally sat down, blushing.

"And the demon? Someone reported a sighting of you and the prince. What do you have to say about that?" I froze, my loud heartbeat echoing in my ears. My mouth was dry as I scrambled for an answer. Fuck.

"Carsir Zei? He's an ally, and I was merely befriending him," I answered coolly, swallowing. My confidence in myself dropped in an instance and my hand was shaking when disbelief clouded Julian's eyes. I smiled tightly.

"Any other objections?" my aunt interrupted. I took a heavy breath and slumped into my seat when no one else said anything. Finally. "I believe Elena is beyond prepared for this position as she has been readying for this since the day her beloved mother pushed her out of the womb." At the mention of my mother, my eyes dropped to my fingers and I played with a hangnail. My mother died giving birth to me, and that was the reality with angels and babies. We had a low fertility rate and the majority of us were infertile. Growing up was lonely, with very few children to play with and talk to. That was why I ended up friends with Chase, as he was one of the only kids around.

"Now we shall begin discussing coronation dates and details," she finished. I began tuning out the conversation, my mind wandering. And there was only one place it would always end up; Carsir. I couldn't help thinking about him, in only a matter of a few hours, I was on a rollercoaster of emotions. I loved the way he made me feel, any girl in my position would agree. But he also infuriated me and set me in deep trouble. I sensed the council would not give up on finding any small piece of information against me to dethrone me. He claimed he did not know the consequences but how could the Crown Prince not know what is basic knowledge for Angels?

I didn't add up and I got more worried thinking about it. Was he hooking up with me a ploy from the demons to weaken us? To have me dethroned and while we were vulnerable and no decided royal family, attack us? Of course, it was far-fetched but my mind wandered to negative thoughts. I couldn't stand it.

"-24th. That is finalized and I will begin releasing invitations soon enough," Leia said. I snapped back to reality and sat up straight.

"24th of this month?" I questioned. My aunt nodded and my heart dropped. The month just started and if all went well, I'd be Queen in three weeks.

"About the invitations; I assume it will be prestigious families from both sides?" Leia asked, giving me a dirty look. I ignored it and my aunt nodded once again.

"Both sides? You mean demons?"

"Yes, Elena. The Demon Prince is invited." 

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