Chapter 12

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Taylor was being hauled off to somewhere, in the middle of nowhere. She was under heavy restrains; her arms were bound and her mouth was held closed by a muzzle.  There was no possible way for her to change now, which made her job more difficult.  She looked around groggily at the scenery that lay before her.  They were driving through a barren desert.  She suddenly had the urge to throw up.  This made her grin. But then she thought against it.  She didn’t if or when she got away if she would see another car or another town.  She sighed and leaned her head back on the head rest.  Suddenly she looked up and stared into the eyes of Vincent.  “What do you want?” She grumbled.  “I’m sorry about having to destroy the men.”  He said trying to sound sorry, but any human in its right mind could tell that he wasn’t really sorry.  She shook her head.  “You’re not sorry.” She said looking out the window and then back at him. “But you will be.” She snarled and then turned away refusing to look at him.

Taylor put up a struggle as the two men hauled her from the car; they even slammed her around quite a bit. Taylor groaned out in pain as they pulled her into what looked like the cafeteria of a jail.  Taylor was roughly treated and poked and prodded and made to undress in front of several men, who cat called at her.  She for the first time in her life felt embarrassed to be looked at by men.  Vincent came up behind Taylor and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Are you pregnant?” He asked jabbing one meaty finger into her Ballooning belly. Taylor quickly covered her belly.  “Why? Are you going to kill me? Or kill my baby when it’s born?” She hissed at Vincent, to which she received a punch to her face by one of the guards that sent her flying to the ground. “Careful there Snoam. We have a pregnant lady on our hands.” Vincent said.  “Prepare her and send her to her room.” Vincent finished and then walked away.  Again Taylor was hauled to her feet and was immediately poked and prodded at some more, until finally she was washed, dressed, and sent off to her ‘room’.

Once she was locked into her cell Taylor looked around, clinging her black and scratchy blankets closely to her stomach and chest.  She walked over to the stained cot in the corner of the small 12x7 foot room. How was she supposed to raise a child in a place like this? She spread the blanket out and then curled up with it. This place smelled awful and it took all she had not to throw up the contents of her empty stomach. Taylor snuggled further into her blankets and couldn’t escape the feeling of being completely and utterly alone.  Her family was gone and there was no one she could turn to.  The scent of death clung to the walls here like people did to air, it was the way of life in this place. Taylor closed her eyes and deeply wished for something else to happen, for her to be anywhere else…to perhaps be in bed just snuggling with Daniel.  Oh how she wished, but no matter how much she wanted to wish and dream for it, she was certain she was going to be killed.

Taylor awoke to sunlight streaming in through some hole somewhere in her cell.  She covered her face and turned over on her uncomfortable cot to return to sleep, her only friend now. It was then that a terrible and awful noise blared forward and caused her to sit up in bed.  She growled and then whimpered at the pain in her ballooning stomach.  She looked like she was getting to be full term and she wasn’t sure if she could trust any living thing here. 

Taylor’s thoughts were interrupted when her cell door flew open and she saw two guards standing there.  Immediately she growled and stood up as they backed her into a corner, putting restraints on her hands, feet, and neck.  She was pulled from her cell and was guided down the iron gangway.  As she passed by cells she saw few female humans, and a large amount of about fifty wolves in their cells.  Taylor wondered how long it had been since the cages and cells of the inmates had been cleaned.  The burning in her nose was intense and cause her eyes to water from the heavy stench of urine and death that seemed to hover in a cloud over this place.  Taylor allowed these men to take her to the mess hall, where there were only a couple wolves in their human forms there eating whatever slop the humans decided to serve them, it smelled and looked inedible.

Mean while

“Sir, there is a gentleman here to see you.” A very attractive red head said bouncing into Christian’s office.  Her attire was border line inappropriate and her clothes practically screamed for him to take advantage of her, but he was professional at all times when he was at work. “Thank you Rina, send him in.” Christian said pushing his paper work away from him and looking expectantly up as the door to his office opened once again after Rina had left him.  Christian stood and buttoned his double breasted navy suit. “Christian! My dear friend.” Said an elderly gentleman.  The man was old in some ways but still looked quite young. Christian assumed that it was due to his long hair, but who knew. “John! How are you?” Christian said stepping forward and shaking the man’s offered hand. “Well, I’m slightly worse for wear, but I’m rattling and rollin’.” John said smiling and then sitting down in one of the chairs in front of Christian’s desk.

Christian took a sip from a brandy glass at his desk and smiled. “So, my friend. What’s new?” He asked looking at John. The smile on John’s lips faded and immediately Christian knew this was serious. “You haven’t heard.” John stated interlocking his fingers.  “Obviously.” Christian said watching his friend of 5 years. “Something’s wrong with the wolves.” John stated. “The wolves don’t concern us.” Christian said opening a manila envelope and looking through its contents. “It does when the males are being killed, along with the pups, and the females are being abducted.” John said sighing before placing a small white envelope before Christian. Christian took it and opened it to reveal a black and white photo of Vincent Morego.  “Who is he?” Christian asked reluctantly eyeing the picture. “That is Vincent Morego, he thinks he is a holy man and has sought to rid the world of the unhuman. The council strongly feels that he is a threat to us all.  He must be destroyed.” John finished and stood up, straightening his jacket. “I’d recruit your sister-in law to assist in this matter.” He said and then left. “Oh boy.” Christian said and leaned back in his chair.  He picked up the phone and waited to hear the familiar and proper voice on the other end of the line.  “Hello?” Came the feminine voice. “We have a problem.” He said. “Explain it to me.” The woman’s voice said. “Claudia, the hunters have come to exterminate the wolves.” Christian sighed.

1 year later

She wasn’t sure how long it had been since she had been in here. Every day seemed to run into one another and her little boy was growing at an increased rate.  Finally though after a couple months, they had separated Taylor from her baby causing her heart to break and her anger to become so great Vincent had to place her in solitary confinement.  She was chained up and heavily sedated. She had to be hooked up to IVs just to keep hydrated and keep her body receiving the nutrients to keep her alive. Every time someone tried to get near her and feed her they would get hurt, or even killed.  This was the very last resort that they had planned for her. 

To the humans the wolves were just fair game and they were easy to be experimented on.  Taylor hated the thought of them just being used as toys to the humans. When she had arrived here all that time ago, the small handful of humans had feared the humans so much that had they had changed into their wolf forms and refused to change back, as the pain threshold was higher than when they were in their human form.  With the experiments being so extreme and cruel most of the other live wolves never made it and died shortly after.  “I don’t ask for much. I’m just asking for the rest of us that are left to be saved.” Was Taylor’s silent prayer every day.  Unfortunately for Taylor, she wasn’t even sure if her baby boy was still alive, but she hoped.

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