Chapter 11

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Taylor couldn’t help but feel sorry for herself.  How was she supposed to feel?  She was the last member of her pack and she needed to protect any other pack’s out there, if there were any.  The wolves’ numbers were dwindling and there wasn’t really a whole lot that could be done about it.  This force that was causing her much anguish and sorrow seemed to be unstoppable.  Several packs all over the world were being mass murdered.  To her it seemed like the holocaust, only for the werewolves.  Taylor wanted to find this Vincent Morego person and bring the fight to him. She didn’t want to want for the fight to come to her any longer she wanted desperately to take the fight to him, and even better, she would feel the blood lust of her people sate when she sank her fangs into his throat and drained the blood from his body.

Taylor looked down. She had been standing on the last step at the bottom of the stair case and she had been gripping the decorative ball at the hand rail, that she had crushed it.  Taylor was starting to feel quite sick and hunched over as a sharp pain coursed it’s way through her body.  She was praying that the pregnancy would go well.  She didn’t want to be pregnant! She wasn’t ready for it.  In her mind she was going absolutely nuts and must have been looking like some sort of crazy person.  She needed to tell Andrew and Connor and Daniel about her pregnancy.  She picked up the cordless phone and dialed Daniel’s phone number, luckily…or perhaps unluckily for her he answered.  “Hey, are you okay?  I woke up and you were gone.” He said sounding relieved that she was calling.  “Listen, Daniel I need you to come over right now.  I know you might be busy…but I really need to talk to you.”  She said.  “Okay, I’ll be there in about a half hour.”  He said and hung up. 

Taylor sat on the couch full dressed twenty minutes later and was staring at Connor and Andrew, when there was a knock at the door. Taylor leapt off of the couch in a hurry, ignoring the pain in her gut and quickly answered the door.  There stood Daniel looking as good as ever.  Taylor sighed at the sight of him and then ushered him into the house. He bent over and kissed her on the cheek.  “Hello beautiful.”  He murmured and then walked over to the couch where Connor and Andrew were sitting, looking like two pouting three year olds.  Taylor sighed and sat down.  “I have some very important news,” Taylor began, while looking down at the floor and fidgeting.  “I’m pregnant.”  She said, looking up and wincing.  The three men looked at each other. “Who’s the father?” Connor asked standing up and throwing his fists down to his sides. Andrew looked at Connor as did Daniel.  “Hey! Don’t look at me.  I’ve never slept with her!” Andrew defended. And then they both looked at Daniel who just smiled and blushed.  “If she’s pregnant, that’s wonderful news. I mean we can get a jump start on the clan again.”  Daniel said trying to defend both him and Taylor.  “Yeah, one female and three males.  You guys do the math!”  She said and stood up, fleeing from the room. She was extremely upset.  Apparently being pregnant made women this way.  She hung her head and sat in the study. 

Taylor looked up as a smiling Daniel peeked into the room and walked over to her.  “Taylor, I want you to know that I am very happy that you’re pregnant.  I’m extremely excited.” He said walking over to her and kneeling down in front of her, placing his head on her stomach, as if listening to the baby’s heart beat.  Taylor caressed his hair and sniffed rubbing some tears out of her eyes.  “You are happy?” She asked looking down at him.  He looked up at her and smiled again.  “Yes.  I couldn’t be happier.”  He said and then looked up, alert. “What’s the matter?”  She asked.  They both walked out into the hall way, finding the door open and Connor and Andrew staring outside in their wolf forms, heads and tails lowered, and hackles raised. Taylor looked outside as did Daniel.  And there he was…Vincent Morego.

Vincent stepped forward.  “A few of the last free werewolves. It will be my honor to take the female and kill you males.”  He said chuckling and walking forward drawing a gun, or what looked like a toy gun. Immediately Andrew and Connor leapt forward, Connor was struck by the laser that was shot from the gun, Connor’s dead and burnt corps lay on the ground.  “CONNOR!”  Taylor screamed, her sorrow turning into anger and rage.  She snarled and lunged forward.  “So, you’re Vincent! You killed my entire family and my little brothers.  I shall kill you!”  She roared taking a lunge at him again, but was immediately trapped and subdued by a tranquilizer. She looked around for the culprit and found someone in the distance leaping down from a tree.  “It can’t be good for the baby.” She moaned, unable to move.  She watched helplessly as Andrew and then her beloved Daniel were murdered also and as the house was searched. She screamed out as much as she could, which thanks to the drugs sounded more like a feeble moan.  She then looked up at Vincent as he smiled down at her.  “Well well…one last living alpha.  I have something special in store for you.” He said and then chuckled as he and the one who had shot her loaded her into a truck.

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