34|Strangers Know Secrets

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September 25, 2018
New York City, New York

"Alright class, today will be your first experience with journalism. I want you to interview anyone in the city and write an article over what you learned. All the information you will need to complete this project will be in your rubric. You have two days," the professor explains our newest assignment.

This is too easy! I can just go home and interview Connor about Humphrey Enterprises.

"Also, one last thing before you all go, it can not be someone you currently know," he says sternly.

A chain reaction of "aws" and "dang its" can be heard from around the room.

I sigh before picking up my book bag and leaving the school campus to find Juliette.

"Juliette, I need to stay in the city for a couple hours. Is there anyway you could take Olivia to Connor's work and see if he can find a place for her to stay in the mean time?" I question.

"I guess I could do that," she shrugs.

"Great, thank you so much!" I respond before running off.

   I have to interview a complete stranger, how am I supposed to do that?

   I walk down the sidewalk, looking up at all the skyscrapers.

   The first one to catch my eye has the words "Bonjour Amour" lit up on it. It means "good morning love" in French.

   I reluctantly walk into the luxury building before approaching a lady at the front desk.

   "Hi, I need to speak with owner of this company," I nervously explain.

   She burst into laughter.

   "You think you can just come in here and demand a meeting with the CEO of "Bonjour Amour" and expect me to just let you? Mr. Addington is a very busy man," she continues to laugh.

   I begin to talk again but the phone on her desk rings.

   "Hello, this is Rowan, how can I help you?" She asks and the person on the other line begins to speak.

   "What do you mean you can't make it to the meeting? You're cancelling? Beyoncé this is the fourth time!" Rowan yells into the phone before hanging up.


   "What do you need to speak with him for?" She rudely asks.

   "I need to interview him for a project in my journalism class," I cross my fingers, hoping she'll give me the spot that just opened up.

   "Alright, fine. I'll send you up to his office now. Take this paper and show it to the lady at the desk on the top floor," Rowan hands me a paper with writing on it.

   "The elevators are over there," she points off to the side.

   "Uh, where are the stairs?" I question.

   "You don't have time for stairs, just get on the damn elevator!" She shouts at me, causing everyone in the lobby to look at us.

   I nod before running to the elevators. I slowly push the button and enter the elevator. To keep me distracted, I text Connor and explain that I am in the city working on my assignment. A long elevator trip later, I reach the top floor.

   Once I step out of the elevator, I hand the lady at the desk the paper. She directs me to an office in which I assume is his. I look at the paper one last time, the name at the top reads "William Addington".

   I lightly knock on the door.

   "Come in!" A male voice shouts.

   I open the door, a man staring out the window over looking the city stands before me.

   "Something tells me you're not Beyoncé," he says without even bothering to turn around.

   "What makes you think that?" I question.

   "Because Beyoncé doesn't have breathing problems ," he takes notice of my heavy breathing in which I quickly try to control.

   He turns around to look me up and down.

   "Who are you?" He asks.

   "Harper," I respond. He slowly comes closer to me, shutting the door behind me.

   His brown hair perfectly complements his brown eyes.

   "Sit," he demands and I quickly sit down in a chair in front of his desk.

   "Why are you here Harper?" His stare makes me want to disappear.

   "I'm here to interview you for an assignment," I shakily answer.

   "Well ask away," he motions me to go on.

   I pull out my notebook to write everything down.

   "So what exactly does this company do?" I ask my first question.

   "We are one of the highest recognized fashion brands in the industry. Our line ranges from everything for children all the way up to elders," he explains.

   After quite a few basic questions, I believe I have everything I need to complete the assignment.

   "Thank you for your time Mr. Addington, but I must get going now," I stand up from my seat.

   "Are you in a relationship?" He asks, catching me off guard.

   "Yes, I am," I proudly respond.

   "With who?" He questions.

   "Connor Humphrey," why is he asking these questions?

   "Wow, Connor Humphrey? How many times has he cheated on you? Or have you still yet to catch him?" A sly expression appears on his face.

   "I don't know what you're talking about," I cross my arms.

   "Oh sweetheart, don't be so naive. A rich guy like Connor Humphrey would never be able to settle down with just one woman," he walks around his desk and stands in front of me.

   I don't respond.

   "How many times did he cheat on Envie? Fifty, sixty, times?" He lifts my chin up with his hand.

   "You don't know what you're talking about," I try to walk away but he pulls me back.

"If I don't know what I'm talking about, then where was Connor on Saturday night?" He whispers into my ear.

Saturday night was when Connor left and came back drunk out of his mind Sunday morning.

But how would this guy know anything about that?

I bite my lip, hard.

"Give me your number," he demands, I reluctantly give it to him.

"Be careful around him sweetheart, that boy is poison," he walks away from me.

I quickly storm out of the building and call Juliette to pick me up.

He's lying, he knows nothing about Connor. I don't think he does anyway.

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