31|Words Hurt

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September 23, 2018
New York City
3:37 A.M

I am awoken by the sound of the bedroom door opening. The light switch of the room is turned on and I immediately squint my eyes until they adjust to the sudden change of lighting.

"Connor, what are you doing home so late?" I whisper.

"Shut the hell up!" He shouts while stumbling into the bedroom.

"Are you drunk? Connor did you drive home? Oh my gosh!" He not only put his own life at risk, he put everyone else's lives at risk.

"It's none of your business!" He continues shouting .

"Screw you, Connor!" I shout before sliding out of bed. I grab my phone off the nightstand and storm past him to Olivia's room.

Olivia is now sitting up in her bed, she must have been awoken by Connor's unnecessary shouting.

"Hey Olivia, can I sleep in here tonight?" I ask while locking her door behind me.

"Sure," she responds, scooting over in her full sized bed.

"Thank you," I whisper.

   "Why was daddy yelling?" Her soft voice is just barely heard over the sound of the fan in her room.

   "I'm sure not sure, just go to sleep, everything will be okay," I sigh before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Olivia who has now become a morning person, wakes me up bright and early.

"Good morning Harper!" She exclaims while shaking me in the bed.

"Seventy two more hours, please," I beg for more sleeping time.

"No, wake up, I want to eat breakfast," she continues to shake me.

   "Fine," I roll over and end up flat on the floor.

   I guess I was closer to the edge than I thought I was.

   "Uhhh, Harper, are you okay?" Olivia asks.

   "Never been better," I lie before getting back up on my feet.

   She laughs as we change into our clothes for the day and head down the stair case.

   "You and daddy had a fight last night," she whispers.

   "Yeah," I sigh, remembering how rude Connor was to me last night for no reason.

   "Do you still love him?" Her face looks extremely worried.

   "Of course Olivia, you never give up on the ones you truly love. No matter how hard times get," I reassure her.

"I want pancakes," she insist.

"Pancakes? Alright let's do this," she drags me into the kitchen.

Finding all the ingredients for pancakes was a very time consuming process.

"Are they done yet?" She questions from the other side of the room.

"Olivia, I haven't even mixed the batter," I laugh.

"Well mix it," she snaps her finger.

I reluctantly mix the batter before pouring it into a pan on the stove. Olivia watches carefully as I use the spatula to flip the pancake.

"How'd you do that?" She questions after a couple of seconds.

"What? This?" I effortlessly flip the pancake.

"Daddy can't do that," a big smile appears on her face.

"Daddy can't do what?" Speak of the devil, it's Connor.

   "Flip a pancake," I respond in a rude tone.

   "Why the attitude?" He asks as if this morning never even happened.

   "I don't know Connor, maybe it's because my boyfriend came back to the house drunk this morning and was extremely rude," I snap while placing the pancake on the plate.

   "Well maybe if it weren't for you being so problematic all the time I wouldn't need to get drunk!" He yells.

   I turn off the stove and get really close to Connor.

  "I have problems?!" I shout in his face.

  "Yes! Oh your Dad died, your mom is dying and all you want is attention from it!" He growls.

   "You're one to talk about problems. Your wife died years ago and you're still hung up on it!" The words slipped, I didn't mean it.

   We both just hurt each other, but rather than forgiving each other we just stare into each other's eyes, hoping the other person will say something to fix this situation.

   "Come on Olivia," I pick her up and take her to the garage. I grab the keys to the same car from yesterday.

   "Where are we going?" She questions.

   "We're going to go eat somewhere in the city," I tell her.

  I take her to Sarabeths for breakfast.

   "I used to come her almost everyday for breakfast whenever I first moved to New York," I explain.

   "Harper!" August, one of the employees greets me.

   "Hey!" I hug her.

   "You haven't been around for awhile," she frowns.

   "I've just been caught up with a lot of stuff," I explain. She nods before seating us in a booth.

    After eating, Olivia I return back to the house, only to see that Connor has left. I looked to see if he left a note or anything, but he was just gone.

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