20|I Feel Alive When I'm High

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New York City, New York
September 14, 2018

I woke up to the sound of people screaming at each other outside.

"Bitch why don't you just fight me!" A girl yelled.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" People chanted.

I slowly sit up and look outside to see what is going on. Two girls that are more than likely drunk, stumbling around while raising their fists.

"Alright, alright that's enough," a male walks into the circle and tases both women. Why does he have a taser?

"What the hell Marco!!!" One of the girls shouts.

"You all know better than that, let's go home," he pulls them in a different direction.

The group breaks off and people begin to move back down the alley way.

I weakly laugh before closing the curtain.

"Damn, you wake up early," I hear Jamilla groan from the other side of the small room.

"Sorry! I'm used to waking up this early for school," I apologize.

"It's alright, but I haven't smoked weed in forty eight hours and I'm in need of some right now," she sits up and turns on a small battery powered lamp.

The other women groan as they toss and turn on the floor. Eventually realizing that Jamilla will not turn the lamp off, they reluctantly decide to sit up.

"Want one?" Jamilla asks while holding up a blunt.

I know it's illegal, and I've never smoked weed, drink, or done drugs ever but I need something to make me forget Connor.

"Sure," I respond.

She lights the blunt before handing it to me. We go outside to do it because I didn't want to expose the dogs to the smoke. I slowly put it in my mouth, after I remove it I begin violently coughing.

"Aw goody two shoe has never done this before," a middle aged woman name Reece laughs while walking out of the building.

"Shut the hell up okay," I manage to say in between coughs.

After a few blunts I am extremely high. I come back into the building, the dogs whimper as I sit back down in my corner.

All the other girls are high now too.

"I used to have a boyfriend in my teenage years. Every day he would cheat on me, and for some reason I kept forgiving him. He would tell me that she didn't mean anything to him and I would just fall back into his arms. Haha, now look where I am. High in an abandon building with all you guys," Jamilla throws her hands in the air.

"My parents abused me growing up. One time I tried to call 911, but my Dad cut the phone cord and beat me black and blue," Sauda adds.

"My parents were great. It's just myself that is such a screw up. Everything I do is wrong. I try to do what I think is best for everyone, but it always ends up with my selfishness getting in the way. So many innocent people I have hurt in my life. They didn't deserve the pain I put them through. I feel like a weed in a field of flowers, I don't belong here," words pour out of my mouth and I don't even know what I'm saying anymore.

All the girls stare at me, but don't say a single word. I spend the rest of they day drinking inside the building before I fall asleep, knowing I'm worthless and this is what my life has come to.

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