21|Too Young to Feel This Old

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September 15, 2018
New York City, New York

    I am awoken from my slumber by the sound of police sirens. Even though I'm extremely hungover, my instincts are telling me something is really wrong.

   "Guys the police are here, we've go to go," Jamilla begins waking up all the girls who weren't awoken by the sirens.

   "Leave everything, except Harper, you can bring your dogs, but, we've got to run," Sauda says while taking off out the door into the darkness.

   "She's right!" The other girls begin to follow behind her.

   I put my phone in my pocket before quickly leashing the dogs and running outside. I turn around and see police running our way with flashlights.

   They are shouting at us to stop running, but none of us do. The people who were at the end of the alley are shouting for help as the police tackle them to the ground.

   Once we reach the end of the alley, I lose track of all of the girls. I use the far away city lights to guide me to a hiding spot for the time being.

   I find an old worn down building to stay until sunrise. I use the light on my phone to look for something to hide behind, just for extra safety.

   The first thing I stumble across is a huge desk, I quickly move behind the desk and sit down with the dogs who are now panting. I turn my phone flashlight off before closing my eyes, wishing this could all end now.

   "Hello?" I hear a female voice ask.

   Busted? No, I don't think it's the police. It was young female voice, it didn't sound threatening or dangerous.

   "Is anyone there?" The voice asks again, this time her voice cracked as if she were about to cry.

   "Who's there?" I question, even though I wouldn't know who it is even if they told me.

   "I'm Hailey, where are you?" Hailey?

   "I'm behind the desk," I respond.

   I hear her footsteps come closer to me.

   "Did the cops chase you out of the place you were staying?" I whisper.

   "Yes, how about you?" She asks.

   "Yes," I sigh.

   We have a short silence.

   "I'm thirteen," she breaks the silence.

   "I'm eighteen, but I'll be nineteen soon. But you're thirteen! Why are you on the streets?" I am shocked.

   "My whole family is homeless. I've done drugs, smoked, drink, pretty much everything in the book from a very young age," she sits down beside me.

   "That's horrible! You must be traumatized," I bite my bottom lip.

   "Yeah, what are your dogs name?" She begins to pet Shasta, who willingly lets her to my surprise.

   "Shasta and Aristaeus," I respond.

   "Cute. How did you end up on the streets?" She question.

   "I was kicked out of the original place I was living because I did something horrible and unforgivable," my heart hurts at the thought of Connor and Olivia.

   Olivia had some sassy moments but other than that, she was the sweetest, funniest, most amazing little girl in the world. But what did I do? I messed everything up.

   "Where are your parents?" I hope that wasn't too personal of a question.

   "I'm not sure to be honest, I haven't seen them since the middle of August. They could be dead for all I know, but I don't care," she sighs.

   "Isn't there someone else in your family that you could live with?" Surely she has grandparents, an aunt, an uncle, somebody?

   "Nope, I have nobody. But listen I've got to go keep looking for my friend J.T, I'll see you around," and just like that, she disappeared into the darkness.

    A thirteen year old girl, in this cruel environment. I thought my life was bad, I couldn't imagine going through this so young.

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