Chapter 21

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Black Beauty


I open my eyes a few hours later. Lana is still cuddled next to me. Everything in me wants to continue to stay with her, but I should get home.

I dress in my pajamas from the night I left. Turning towards the pile of clothes on the floor. I just turn and leave the outfit Lana had given me.

I swipe her car keys and I grab my phone. Taking one final look at the sleeping Lana. She looks so peaceful. I let myself kiss her one last time on her lips.

I pull back a couple seconds later. I am met with her dark green eyes looking back at me.

"Marina?" She sits up. Her naked chest exposed when the sheet falls off. I don't flinch though, I have already seen everything. "What are you doing? Why are you in your robe?"

Embarrassed, I take off the fluffy pink robe and place it next to Lana.

"Um.." I look away from her piercing eyes. I probably have a worried look on my face. The tension is little, but there. I feel my anxiety start to kick in.

"Marina..." I look at her again. She has a nervous look on her face. That's when I bolt.

I run out the door of the motel and unlock her car. I am about the open up the door when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see Lana in my robe. Of course she has nothing on below her waist as well.

"Marina. You can't go back to him. We both know that what was happening will happen a lot worse if you ever go back. Please, stay here." Her eyes are doe and pleading. Tears are starting to fill them. I just can't say no.

She leads me back inside the room. Closing the door behind us, she gently placed her lips back on mine. The gentle kiss is full of silent relief and pleasure.

"Why do you want to leave?" She places her hands on my hips and our foreheads against the others.

"Our actions have consequences.. I don't want anything bad to happen anymore." She pulls me into her. I wrap my arms tightly around her neck, making the hug even more close and personal.

"Marina... can we talk serious?" I pull out of the hug a little. I smile a tiny one and nod. Walking over to the bed, we sit on top of the disheaveld sheets.

"My Black Beauty..." Lana runs her hand in my dark hair. Her hand rests and the base of my neck. I lean my head into it. Her touch comforts me in ways I can't explain.

"Nathan called me last night." I immediately stop our lovey dovey moment and look at her seriously.

"He said that you can stay with me." My eyes widen more than they already are. Why would he let his wife's paramour live with him?

"I know. I wasn't expecting that either. He also said that, because of the circumstances, that we can quietly divorce." For some reason, tears begin to slowly fill my eyes. I don't know why, I only just really like Lana. It's not like I love her.

(Are you sure about that, my precious Marina?)

"Marina?" I feel Lana wipe something off my cheek. Great, they spilled over.

Lana brings me into her chest in comfort. My silent cries and tears soon soak her shirt.

"I'm hoping those are happy tears?" I bury myself further into her and slightly nod. Lana bring me out and kisses me softly. Her kisses are just amazing.

"One more thing. I totally forgot my parents are visiting for ten days.. we can't be lovey dovey around them. They think I'm still with Nathan and they are totally against homosexuality and will disown me if I'm not with Nathan." So I have a roof over my head with Lana and her extremely judgy parents are staying for basically two weeks. Well, shit. This is my luck.

"That's why Nathan and I are having a quiet divorce." That makes sense.

"My engagement has been over for awhile now..." I look down at the diamond ring that has become apart of me these past twelve years.

"Well. The ring is absolutely beautiful, but you don't need anything of Jack's anymore." I know. I slide the ring off my finger, examining it between my fingers. Its exterior is worn from the everyday wear of over a decade. I make myself move towards the next step.

Getting up off the bed, I head towards the door. Opening it and walking to just outside it, I place the ring on the concrete. I quickly go back inside and find something hard. Aligning the ring and my smasher, I feel a hand on my shoulders. Looking up, I see a loving and supporting Lana.

I bring the smasher down hard into the ring. It breaks I to a million pieces, and so does a tiny bit of my heart with it.

I immediately stand up and bury my face into Lana's neck.

"I am proud of you, Marina." She hugs me in a comforting way.

I am done with Jack. He will always have a huge part of me. He never deserved any in the end. Lana does. And I'm scared to say it, or think it in this case, but..

I love you, Lana Del Rey.
Ok ok ok ok ok...... 900 reads?  SERIOUSLY! This is absolutely amazing!!! Just 100 more till 1k!! I never thought that that would be an achievable goal!! Thank you so much!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed it. It means a lot when you do!

Love You!

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