Chapter 18

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Dirty Sheets


I hear the front door open.

Shit. He's here.

I quietly finish up and exit the bathroom. Tiptoeing towards the kitchen, I grab the two biggest kitchen knives I see, then I slowly head upstairs. I try to hear their conversation as I do.

"...Missed you so much. Where were you?"

"I needed some breathing room so I rented a hotel....." I can hear the fear In her voice.

"Oh! Marina!" I hear her yelp. I slowly turn my head around the corner. I see Marina and Jack in a hug. Marina looks as if she is about to cry.

"I filed a missing persons report this morning. Oh, my God. I'm glad you're home again. I thought you left me." Marina tried to get out of the hug. That's when it happen.

Marina is suddenly picked up and thrown onto the Dirty Sheets. Jack crawls up on top of her and starts to undo her belt. I came prepared. I cover my face with a ski mask that literally was on the floor then barge in with the knives in hand.

"Get the fuck off her!" I startle Jack enough to the point where he falls onto the floor. Marina bolts up and runs past me. I feel her behind me. I hear her sniffle. He made her cry.

He's going to fucking die.

"What the fuck! Get out of my house!" He takes a fighting position.

"Stop molesting and raping Marina then! She deserves the fucking best. And that's not you!" Jack seems thrown by my comment.

"What? How do you know her!" I look back at Marina.

"Take the bag at the bottom of the stairs to the car. But come back, ok?" I whisper. She nods fearfully and does as I say.

"Marina! Get back here!" He starts after her, but I block him. He takes a few steps back. He's smart to think that I know how to use a knife, cause I do.

"Ok lady. I'll give you whatever you want." I take a step forward.

"Carefully pick up the suitcase and place it in front of me." He slowly does what he is told. I make sure he doesn't pull any move by placing the knives where I know he would target. "Now go to the other side of the room and face the wall."He follows my order. Marina gets back a couple seconds later. I motion for her to take the suitcase and get in the car.

"Ok. Close your eyes, Jack." I see him do it. "Now put your hands on your head" he does that to. Then I slowly walk down the stairs. I quickly shed the mask and drop the knives, which land with a bang. I slam the door behind me and bolt to the car. Marina has it started and everything.

I jump into the driver's seat as I see Jack exit the apartment. I quickly back up out of site. Then making a U turn and driving away. I see him turn the final corner to where we are parked after I am a hundred yards away.

I now look at Marina. Tears are streaming down her stone still face. Shit. She is now scared.

I pull over once I am out of town. I turn towards Marina and place a hand on her. She violently jerks away. She looks at me a second later, then completely breaks down in my arms.

"Why...... why...." that is all she can say. I slowly run my hand on her back and kiss her forehead.

"That son of a bitch will go to jail for life if it's the last thing I do. Nobody deserves that kind of abuse. I am so sorry Marina." She climbs into my lap and cries. She is curled up into a fetal position against my chest. To see a 32 year old women cry can make you rethink everything in life.

We just sit there In silence for the next few hours into the night. Marina fell asleep crying, so I carried her into a new motel in the next town over. Making her comfortable, I fall asleep next to her. She cuddles further into me as if I will always protect her. And I will. I will fight for Marina, whom I believe is my rightful partner in this life.
Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw. I have 600 reads!!!!

(If any of you don't know what that quote is from. It's from Heathers. 1989.... Winona Ok.. jk.)

Thank you guys so much for reading! Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed the chapter and comment anything really. I read them all. What little there are.😂

Love You!

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