Chapter 19

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Sad Girl


Running out the door....... Lana in a ski mask and knives in her hands......... speeding away from Jack and that cursed apartment....

The events of the past ten minutes blur together. My hands are shaking and tears are streaming down my face.

I suddenly feel a pair of hands in my shoulders. I violently jerk away. Jack has gotten me. I look up to not a menacing Jack, but a petrified Lana. I fall into her arms and let all my fear and stress out through my tears.

"Why...... why...." Is all I can say through my tears. I feel Lana rub her hand on my back and kiss my forehead.

"That son of a bitch will go to jail for life if it's the last thing I do. Nobody deserves that kind of abuse. I am so sorry Marina." I crawl into her lap, curling up as close as possible to her.

We stay like that for hours. Each minute, I find myself closer to falling asleep, and soon, I do.

It's like my soul left my body. I felt being placed on something soft. My aching and sore muscles reacting to the comfort. I let it surround me. I feel something being placed on my chest and cuddle up to my upper legs and torso.

I feel a woman's breast be pushed up against my side. That lets me know who it is. I feel Lana snuggle closer to me under the blankets. I let myself cuddle back.

My soul re-enters my body. Now being able to rest, I am no longer conscious of anything around me.

I find myself sitting Indian style in a large park that stretches for miles. The unbelievable green grass the perfect length. The sky's the perfect blue and white fluffy clouds are slowly passing the magnificent bright and yellow sun.

I look up in front of me, the sun setting. I see two different shadowed figures standing still. One is tall and masculine while the other is a little bit shorter and more feminine.

"Marina." The two say in unison. I am immediately able to tell who the mysterious figures are.

"Lana? Jack?" There figures are still shadowed in front because of the setting sun. They both raise a hand and motion for me to come to them.

"Come to me, Marina." I hear Jack's deep voice say.

"No. Please come to me, Marina." I turn my head slightly towards Lana. Her voice is so sweet and is pleading for me to come to her instead.

"Don't listen to her. She is just using you. I love you, Marina." I turn my head towards Jack now. He has the same pleading tone, with a slightly different undertone than Lana's. I can't quite tell what it is.

"You know that Jack will never stop abusing you. You can't change him. He's the one who is lying. Marina, I.." Lana is cut off by Jack.

"This shouldn't be a contest. You have everything to me. You have to stay with me. What will Lana think if she doesn't get anything from you?" I hear Lana scoff.

"I don't care if you give me anything. The only thing I want is your heart..." There is a heartbroken undertone to Lana's plea. I start to stand up, I think I have made my choice.

"Come to me, Marina. Lana won't take care of you. You need a man." Lana doesn't say anything. She just raises her other arm.

"Marina, I love you." I hear a voice say. It sounded like Lana, but it didn't come from the shadowed one, I came from the sky.

The sun is suddenly coming up behind me. I see Lana and her tear stained face with a heartbroken and defeated look on her face.

I look at Jack. He has a fake heartbroken look on his face. Anger was the undertone.

I slowly start to walk towards Lana.

"You love me. You always have. Don't throw away our love. Our fifteen year relationship over a one night stand." Jack's face is becoming more pink my the second out of anger. I start to speed up my pace towards Lana.

"Marina. Think about what you are doing. It will have huge consequences."

I open my eyes. My dream still vivid. Sitting up, I realize I have an add on. I look over at Lana, who is still cuddled up into my side. Laying back down, I cuddle back into her.

That dream took me from being a Sad Girl to a conflicted girl. Should I continue this affair? Or should I stop it before one of us falls in love with the other. I am so close to truly loving Lana. Lets just hope she hasn't fallen for me.
I'm so excited. 700 reADS!!! I honestly can't believe it. *insert heathers quote cause I can't think of one rn*

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed it!

Love You!

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