Chapter 9

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Brooklyn Baby


I wake up in someone else's arms. There scent overwhelms me. That is definitely not Jack's.

Last night's events finally catch up to me. Jack forcing himself on me, Lana showing up at my house, the talk in the car, and finally our little rendezvous.

I look up to see Lana still fast asleep. She looks to peaceful for me to wake up. I just kiss her nose instead. A genuine smile makes its way to my face for the first time in forever.

Looking over Lana's shoulder, I check the time on the clock.


Fuck. Shit. Hell. DAMMIT!

I bolt out of the comfortable bed and arms of Lana. That immediately wakes her up.

"Marina...?" She is still half asleep. I ignore her. I am already half dressed before she sits up, her naked torso uncovers. I stop for a second to stare. She does nothing to cover it up.

"I have to go. Jack will kill me." Lana falls back onto the bed. A very frustrated sigh leaves her lips.

"You can't go back to him. He will do who knows what to you tonight. And plus." She gets up out of bed and walks towards me. "You have no shoes and no car." That comment send the tears I didn't know were in my eyes fall out like a waterfall. I fall to the ground and sob into my hands. I feel Lana fall down next to me. She brings me into her chest for comfort. I just sink further into her.

"It's ok. I'll just take you back to mine." I just hopelessly nod into her bosom. We somehow finish getting dressed. Lana carries me out to the car. Walking back into the building to sign out, I am left alone with my thoughts.

She is right. But Jack is all I have ever known really. He has my everything, I can't just leave him. He has provided almost everything for me for over ten years. I can't just do that to him.

"He has done so much for me..." I look down at my skinny fingers. Twiddling them around the others. "He has everything. I have given him everything.." How could someone leave someone who has everything?

Lana opens the car door, surprising me out of my thoughts. She settles onto the driver's seat before starting the car and heading out into the highway.

"How are you feeling this morning? Regrets..?" I know Lana must feel bad. I kinda asked her to sleep with me. I don't know what came over me. The kiss we shared was magical. Almost unbelievable. Kissing Jack has never felt that way. Even in high school.

"I don't know.." I honestly don't. My mind is clouded with emotions I can't put to words. I think I should regret cheating on Jack, but I don't. "I don't regret it, though." I see Lana visible exhale and loosen up after I say that. Like she doesn't either.

"I realize you don't know anything other that I have cheated on my husband." I look up at her through a curtain of hair. " My parents only really care about money. So they arranged a marriage between me and Nathan. He ended up loving me, so my parents got the good end of the deal. Hell, at least they send me money from the deal since we married." I smile slightly. She is stuck in a loveless marriage. I am stuck in an abusive one. Interesting.

"Where are you from? Your accent is not American in the slightest." I can tell she wants a more humorous take on that question. So I laugh.

"Wales. Jack and I moved here before we got engaged." Lana nods, soaking the new information.

"Well, I'm a Brooklyn Baby. Grew up in New York and everything." I laugh a little harder at the way she presented that statement. I look away from Lana, noticing we are pulling up into a large house. She must be loaded.

"Yes. I am." I look at Lana embarrassed. I must have spoken out loud.

"No. Your face tells the story." I blush a tiny bit harder. She can apparently read me easy. We exit her car and I follow her up the walkway towards the door.

"Welcome to my humble home." Lana does a motion with her hand, letting me know I am actually welcome. I walk in in absolute awe. The living room is an open area with an extremely high ceiling. A piano against the wall next to the stairs in front of us. The open dining room is to my right. A large table that could seat around twelve is there. There is a wall with an open walkway I think goes to the kitchen.

"This place is huge..." it comes out barely a whisper, but Lana somehow catches it.

"Yeah... With the money my parents send and Nathan's job, we have a pretty good cash flow.." she simply walks towards the open doorway and dissapears into it. Following her, I find that I am right. The kitchen is actually smaller that I thought it was. About the size of mine at home.

"We wanted a smaller kitchen.." I am still bewildered how she is able to read my mind. I somehow have the courage to sit on the counter next to the doorway. Leaning against the wall, I close my eyes.

"About last night....." I open my eyes and look up at Lana. She has a nervous look on her face.

"Yeah..." she takes a deep breath, most likely preparing herself if possible answers I will say.

"Do you regret it? Do you wish we never did that. It is half my fault to..." I find myself smile, courage somehow bubbling to my surface.

"Come here." She obeys my command. I place her between my legs. Leaning into her lips, we kiss. It is soft and sweet, like our first one in the car. I pull away from her. She whines when I do.

"No. I don't regret anything. You are literally the best thing that's happened to me in over a decade." Lana's goofy smile on her face shows she feels the same way. She is way to eager to kiss me again. Before she could kiss me again, we here the front door open.

"Lana! I'm home!"

I'm that weird person that considers this book her baby. And like every good mother, they don't want to see there baby fail... all I can say is, I am still nervous about how this book will be received. So far, it has been all good. Lets just hope it stays that way..

That was a little sad. Anyway, thank you so much for reading! I hope you genuinely enjoyed this!

Comment grammar or spelling error, (if you find them) so I can make this story a little better!

Love you!

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