Not the normal night that I like

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I sent tge house elf over before me then I went up to the roof of my building and standing up there was Proffessor Dumbledore he looked down at me with a smile and a twinkle in his eye and said " Your not going over to the Weasley's.". I looked at him stunnded then asked " Where am I going then.". Then he said back to Hogwarts for more training because you are to be the greatest witch of your time along with you brother.". Then my house elf appeared and looked shocked the she was gone. Professor Dumbledore then asked " Are you ready to leave and if so please hold on to my hand we are heading back to Hogwarts.". Then the roof top disappeared and I felt the the air begging forced out of me again then we were in his office. Then as I started to breath again as I looked around the was all of my teachers there and other teachers that I have not had yet. As Dumbledor sat down the rest of the teachers started asking questions

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