The Answer

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Fyi they are not actuly in engaged it is a promise ring they will be acutly engaged at the end of their schooling.*******************************************

As I stood thing about what to say I looked down at his nervous face. I could tell he was worried about my answer which I knew was a yes, so I took all the courage that I could muster and say " Yes Senus.". He then released a breath I knew he was holding then stood up and kissed/ snogged for a minute and then said " I will make our time together wonderful and romantic". We then checked out and used the floo network to get home. When I returned home Tonks was not home so I believe she was out at work. When I entered the kitchen to grab a snake I saw a note it read " Nymph, if you return before I get off of work have the house elf make you dinner then I need you to go over to the weasly's, Mrs. Weasly knows that you are coming over you will be over there until tomorrow cause I an working late bring the house elf with you. Love Tonks". I called the house elf to begin making dinner while she made it I went up and packed my bag with my broomstick. Once, she finished making dinner I wolfed it down then had the house elf clean up then I told her that we are going to the weasly's for the night she said yes mistress then we were there.


Well watt do u think the story will go on 4 awhile so keep reading, becoming fans and liking sorry abOut not updating sooner but just got near wifi so until tomorrow mayb.

AP <3

Nymphadora PotterWhere stories live. Discover now