Chapter 25- Let's Waste Time Dreamin' Some More

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    I awoke in the emergency room, one nurse standing on one side, a doctor on the next, and my mom at the end of my bed. I really am spending too much time here in the hospital, as I wasn't even surprised I was here, again.  Although my last memory was slipping off my spinny chair, and feeling the cold floor underneath the side of my face, it was vague. The rest of that day was a blur as well.

     I laid there, tired, exhausted, I couldn't feel my pulse in my temples, I knew was on some kind of pain killer, which I didn't have a problem with, "How are you feeling?" The doctor asked; he was a man. I nodded my head, "You fainted earlier." I kind of guessed that, but I nodded again. I just wanted to relax, but some people just don't know how to stop talking. Since it was already the evening, so the clock said, I stayed over night? I was cold, but didn't want to ask for another blanket, the view out my window, was just another building, and I couldn't sleep, I wanted to pull out my iPod Touch, and read over brain tumour cancer stuff.

     I finally relaxed after a few long minutes of deep breathing, and said things like, 'Relax your toes. Relax your feet, relax your ankles, relax your legs," And so forth until I reached my eyes, then they closed. One thing I’ve learned is never go to sleep with a lot on your mind, night terrors happen. Maybe the one I got in Hawaii was because I was thinking over the day a little too much than I should've.



     I saw myself as I was standing in the middle of a somewhat empty mall, I happen to go to with friends a lot. My mom had gone off to the hairdresser in some store and left me some change to get myself something to eat at a new restaurant while I waited. I knew it was a long walk and since my mom would be quite a while, women and all, I decided to give it a go. I entered the busy street, struggling to walk against the mass of people going in the opposite direction. I’m being pushed, I push them, it was a struggle. I saw an ice cream parlour just a bit further up the road to the left and, since it was closer, decided to go there instead of that restaurant. The name of it was Lics-Ice Cream

     As I approached the parlour, a sidewalk entertainer who had just dropped his instrument distracted me; he fell onto the cold concrete without hesitation, following his instrument, and then began screaming. The scream was loud, high-pitched and continuous, odd for a man to do. The sound scared me so much I almost ran away. Suddenly, the other people on the street started shouting at him and throwing whatever was around at him, I didn't want to be a target as well; I wanted to get away as fast as I could. I ran up to the door of the ice cream parlour. When I went through the door I was abruptly thrown into some deserted street elsewhere in the town, it was odd. I could still hear the entertainer's screams however, which seemed to be coming from just around the corner. Very puzzled, I crept toward the origin of the screaming, but the closer I got to the terrifying shrieks, the less intense they became.

     Just as I turned the corner, something made me jump and I spun around again.

     Again, the scene had changed, now in front of me was an old man, bent over and writhing in pain. I approached him to see if there was anything I could do to help. I asked him what was the matter and touched her lightly on her shoulder. At first she didn't respond at all, then, as I crouched down beside her, he twisted his head and pressed his face into my body. He began to laugh, giggling at first, then cackling and howling like a demonically possessed hyena. I tried to stand and pull away but he grabbed me and I couldn't break free. He just kept staring at me with his wicked eyes and continued that awful laughter. The screams just became so unbearably loud and annoying--


      I couldn't take it anymore, and I woke up screaming. All the little machine pieces fell off of me as I sat up in bed, my heart raced, and no longer than a few seconds later, nurses came into my room, they looked dazed as it was in the early morning times, but I explained what happened, trembling over my words. Only then did I realize the pain in my head. I asked for water and another blanket, screw being too needy, I was in-need. The sun just started to come up in the east, which happened to be the way my window faced, and i had to turn my head the other way. I didn't sleep any more the night/morning.

I couldn't.

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