Chapter 21

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Rose laid in bed in the hospital wing of the hotel, unconscious. Drac and the everyone else were outside waiting for results from the doctor. After they performed immediate surgery, they wouldn't let anyone see her.

Drac did nothing but paced back and forth in front of her door. He was like this for a long time until, finally, a nurse came out. He looked at her with hope in his eyes, but her expression showed pity for him.

Drac heart felt like it could stop. Mavis, Johnny, and Emma rushed to his side to find out her condition, everyone else followed as well.

"I....I'm sorry, but she's in critical condition. We took the bullets out, but it was so severe, we doubt she'll survive."

"No!" Emma whispered.

"No! You have to do something!" He yelled at the nurse, scaring her a bit.

"Dad, it's not her faul-"

"No! Please," he fell to his knees,"I love her."

The nurse understandably bent down to his level, putting a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry Count, we did as much as we could. You can go see her now."

She gave a sad look at the group that was in front of her, and left. Drac got up slowly and inched his way to the door. He opened it and seen the love of his life almost lifeless on the bed. She was a deathly pale, dark circles around her eyes, and she looked as if she lost a significant amount of blood.

He sat on the bed, taking her cold hand in his. He didn't want to believe it, but the nurse was right. She was almost dead, but he knew he couldn't live without her.

Emma was on the other side of the bed, tears streaming down her face. Mavis stood behind Dracula, hand on his shoulder and face stained with tears as well.

"Mavy....I can't lose her. She's my world, my everything...she's my zing. I can't..." his voice cracked, he was on the verge of a complete breakdown.

"I know daddy," sobbed Mavis.

"I can't believe it," Johnny spoke,"my best friend, dying. unreal. If only there was a way to save her, any way to prevent this from happening."

"Honey?" a small voice spoke.

Everyone's head snapped up to see Rose half woke. She tried to smile, but  her pain felt unbearable.

"My beloved, I'm so sorry. I should've done something. It should've been me, if only I seen you there....."

"There was nothing you could have done, you didn't know I would of done that."

"Why? Why did it have to be you?" he quietly asked, caressing her cheek.

She reached up and wiped an escaped tear from his face, she hated seeing him so sad. She looked at her hands, they were so pale, paler than Dracula skin.

"I'm so pale, you could mistake me for a vampire," she tried to joke," I can't imagine how my face look."

Drac face looked at her with a  shock expression. Something outrageous came to his mind, but he wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do.

"May I have a moment with Rose please." he begged those that were in the room.

Everyone nodded and headed out, leaving the count and his fiance by themselves. He took both her hands, giving them a tight squeeze.

"Rose...I can't live without you. I love you too much to let you die, this will break my heart. Even though I want you to live, what I'm about to ask you may not be what you want. It's the only way I can save your life."

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