Story Sneak Peek

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"Then tell her!"

"I can't."


"Because I cant."

"But Why Drac?"




"......why not!?"

"Because.....she's a human. We're incompatible."

"Drac! Look at your daughter and Johnny, and many other human and monster couples. They're in love and happy! Why can't you two? Is it because you will never want to be with a human?"

I sighed, this was too much for me.

"That's not the problem. I just might be willing to change for her Frank."

" would?"

"Yes.....yes I would."

"Then......then what's the problem?"

I turned to him, my heart breaking with every word  that came out of my mouth,"Frank, she might be a harmless human, but in her eyes....."

It was too hard to say, the words came out as a whisper," In her eyes, she sees a monster. She could never, ever love me."

Incompatible: A Dracula Love Story (COMPLETE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now