Chapter 14

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Hello, I would like to appaligize to my readers on the long wait and thank for you all for the encouragement. As of right now I still don't have enet so i am wifing from my local McDonald'  But other than that it has been a slow rebuild process for my town and we are all working at full swing Thanks for the prayers. Now for your trivia from the last chappy.

A. The store that Renji gets his sun glasses from is called Gin Tonbo or The Silver Dragonfly, and they cost him a half a years no wonder he got so mad when Ichigo broke them...teehhee... The next chapter will not have a trivia question in it since I do have a bruise work week and all. Hope you all enjoy. Now on with the show.


After the meeting with the elderly Head Captain, Naomi was soon moved from the Squad Four barracks to Squad Eight. After meeting with the young Lieutenant Isa who quickly showed her to a small apartment like room then told her she would be also escorting her to the squad's mess hall that evening as well. After thanking the Lieutenant Naomi went about the small living area and set up some of her personal belongings around her now semi permanent home.


Across the Sereittei two friends sat drinking tea and sake admiring the turn of the Spring into Fall. " So, I hear you have a new boarder from the living world staying at your division Shun, do you know who it is yet?" Jushiro asked watching Shunsui pour himself another glass of Sake. " Yes, It would appier to be Miss. Naomi. Old man Yama wanted a few tests ran on her turned to walk to see weather or not her contact the Hallow did anything to her Spiritually and to give us a better idea on the kind of Hallow it was and what she did to it that made the arm that went threw her chest disintegrate." he answered giving Jushiro a thoughtful look. " Maybe since your feeling better you wouldn't mind visiting her, since we are the only ones she knows here besides Mr. Stick up his butt Byakuya Kuchiki." he continued with a chuckle as he leaned back against the porch support of Jushiro's Ugendo home.

Remembering his last encounter with said woman Jushiro sighed, " Maybe I will, after she gets a bit more settled in." he said sipping on his medical herb tea provided by the Fourth. After setting his cup down he sighed and looked to Shunsui, " Try to not be over flirtatious to her with Miss. Isa around or you'll be a bachelor forever," Jushiro said with a serious look which had Shunsui laughing and shaking his head. " Truth be told, I'm still waiting for her to beside on a date." Shunsui stated in his usual layed back tone which led Jushiro to glance over and laugh at his friends pouty look on his face. " Still haven't got one yet huh? What's it been now, a year since you've asked her and she agreed after the fiftyth time of you asking her?" he asked Shunsui who gave a deep sigh then rubbed his large hands over his face," Yeah, she wants us to take time to get to know each other on a less professional basis before we jump into a permanent relationship she says. And all I can do is wait till she makes up her mind on weather or not she wants to continue this relationship." Shunsui said slumping over, arms braced on his knees with his head propped on his folded hands.

Jushiro watched his old friend as he stared off into his own world in deep thought with concern.He felt a slight swing in his chest as he watched his friend after the many years they have been friends he saw Shunsui jump from one woman to another, all ending the same way 'Alone'. Like Shunsui his own luck with the opposite sex was about the same if not worse. Who wanted to wake up every morning not knowing if they would wake up to a corpse or not, not many in his personal experience. With a sigh Jushiro refilled Shunsui's sake glass and poured another for himself at the irony of their existence but toasted to their friendship and health.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2012 ⏰

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