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Friday came and I was ready to do this. I had went shopping and bought some of those leather type black skirts and some crop tops. I had actually felt good enough to wear it after not eating a lot for that week and a half. I put it on with some white converse and a black cardigan, fixed up my hair and waited for Nash to come pick me up. My Aunt had been home for days now since she took off time from work but we hadn't really spoken much except for hi and how was your day. No one even thought to mention they day everything happened.

"Where are you going looking all cute", she said sitting next to me on the couch with a cup of coffee. "Just to a party at Nash's friend house." "Nash's friend?" "Yeah... Its um, Acacia." "Oh Britney you don't have to stoop so low. Trust me there are better people out there!", she reassured me. "I know. I just thought I'd actually get out the house for a change, and this is like my first party invite in years soooo..." "Well ok then. Have fun, and be safe."


We got to the party after the surprise part which was a relief, I couldn't picture myself wishing Acacia a happy birthday in any world. Keisha ran up to us and and wrapped her arm around Nash's shoulder. "I can't believe you actually came, yay. And you...", she said turning to me. "I actually do like that outfit though, you look nice", she said pulling Nash away from me into the mob of people. Nash grabbed my hand and dragged me in with them. We ended up in the back yard and everyone was dancing and jumping in the pool. There was this ledge of the house that had the most beautiful view of LA. I was so caught up and looking at it that I didn't even notice that Keisha and Nash were gone. No use now right. I sat on the ledge and pulled out my phone to take pictures.

Just then a guy came over and sat next to me. He was short with black hair. "Great view huh?", he asked looking at the pics on my phone screen, "Yeah, I love it.", I said shyly.
"What if I told you that a celebrity sat right where you were sitting"
"Oh really. Who?"
"Miley Cyrus. She filmed part of her We Can't Stop video here on this ledge."
"Really!? I love her"
"Yeah it was so cool, and she's actually a pretty cool person in real life."
"You met her!"
"Well yeah, I mean she filmed a video at my house of course I met her"
My good mood began to disappear. He lived here, meaning he was related to or close to Acacia, which is never a good thing.
"Oh cool.", I said trying to still sound interested.
"So what's your name, cute ledge girl"
"Britney", I said laughing. "Yours?"
"Carter, Carter Reynolds."
"Wait so you're not related to Acacia?"
"Shes my step sister."
YES! Maybe he wasn't as evil as her.
"Speak of the Devil", he said as Acacia walked past us drunk.
"Ohhh Carter, I see you met Britney. Hope you bought some condoms.", she said winking at me, then walking away.
I lowered my head back to my phone and started scrolling. I knew she hadn't wanted me there, or had changed. Im so stupid for coming
"Im sensing some problems between you two, don't worry. She's not the disney princess she makes herself out to be. Don't listen to her", Carter said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"Sooo you dating anyone Britney.", he said looking off at the city.
"Yeah, my boyfriend Nash is around here somewhere.", I said unwrapping his arm from around me.
"Wellll, what he doesn't know wont hurt him. C'mon, lets go up to my room. I'll tell him you left early."
"What!? NO!'
"Look girl", he said moving in real close and grabbing my wrists. "Just come upstairs with me. Trust me. I'll never let him find out. You're way too pretty too only be with one person."
"Yeah and you're way too petty to be with any", I said before spitting in his face and standing up. I don't know where I managed to find that courage, but I was lucky that I did.

I stormed over to Nash who was sitting at a small round patio table, grabbed his hand and led him towards the door. "I wanna go home. You can come back but can you please just drop me home", I said to him. "Yes, of course let me just change my clothes", he said since he only had on some wet swimming trunks.


After about 15 minutes of waiting for Nash, I decided to head over to the kitchen for something to drink. I made my way through all the people to the fridge and waited for the person in it to stand up and leave. Who do you think decided to stand up. Thats right, Cameron. "Oh well look what the cat dragged out of the litter box", he said with a fake smirk.
I conjured up some of my courage from earlier and grabbed his wrist before he walked away. "What did I do wrong to you?", I asked. "Well where do I start. When you had sex with Nash right after I tell you I love you, or when you complained to the principle, and got me transferred into harder classes which Im now failing and have to take summer classes, ooo or my personal favorite, making up lies about Kristen TWICE, just to get my attention, and break my heart later on."
I looked at him in utter disgust, but mainly it was for Acacia. "I don't know what to tell you Cameron. I warned you Acacia was a liar, you don't wanna believe it. Just know that I am still a virgin Cameron. Shes a liar, its her life to lie. Accept it, move on, ignore her.", I said before noticing Nash and walking away. I turned back to him as we walked out the door and found him still staring at me even from this far away.

"How could I go from a nobody to having tons of Drama", I thought as we got in the car and drove off.

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