It Takes Two

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"You little snitch!" *kick* "You ruining relationships again you little slut" *punch* "Fuck you, you stupid hoe!"

She pulled me by my hair and threw me up against the garbage cans, and then her and her girls walked away. Everything was horrible and it was all Cameron's fault. After I told him, apparently he went to Kristens boyfriend Jacob and told him about Kristen cheating and then found Kristen and warned her to never touch me again. I don't think Kristens a very good listener.

The final bell rang and kids filled the parking lot across the street from me. I looked over and locked eyes with Nash. He was standing with Acacia and when he saw me he wrapped his arm around her waist and walked the other way. Tears rolled down my face and into the open cuts I had from the beating. After about 5 minutes I saw Cameron walk outside. he pulled out his phone to call me because he was gonna drive me home, but then he saw me. He ran over to me and threw himself towards me. "Britney!", he screamed. "Britney what happened!?" I was so confused. Was I supposed to be mad it him or be excited he helped me. Just then Acacia and her girls pulled up in their car.
"C'mon Cam lets go, were going bowling", Acacia yelled.
"Yeah Cam, lets go. Didnt your parents ever tell you not to play with the trash", Nash yelled before giving me an evil look. My heart shattered.
"Fuck you guys", Cam said before picking me up and carrying me to his car. He sat me in the passenger seat and we drove in complete silence.


When we reached my house, Cam insisted that he carry me inside, and help me get cleaned up. I sat there quietly while he cleaned my cuts and put splints on my fractured fingers. When he was done he moved back to examine me like I was a finished painting, and then he did something totally new. He kissed me My eyes opened wide in shock, but then I slowly melted into it. "Done", he announced softly with his mouth still less than an inch away from mine.

We stayed up in my room the entire day watching old disney movies and I stayed snuggled on his chest the entire time. He wouldn't let me leave.
"Britney", he said halfway into Ratatouille.
"Who did it?"
"Sorry but I'd rather not say"
"Please tell me. You can't let them get away with this. Trust me. I can protect you Brit. You just gotta tell me"
One again I was caught up in his eyes and I couldn't help it. Word vomit.
"It was Kristen and her girls."
"Ok", he said getting up. "I'll be back"
Damn you Cameron
"Cam please don't say anything else, look what happened last time."
"Trust me Brit. I'm gonna protect you. I love you, and I'll never let anyone hurt you again"

I sat there in shock as he walked down the stairs and out the front door. He loved me. Me. ME.


*knock knock knock*

I walked down the stairs and opened the door expecting to see my aunt, or cameron. But no.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"What the hell are you doing here"

"Just checking up on you, whats wrong?"

"Whats wrong!? WHATS WRONG!? I didn't think you'd even wanna talk to trash like me. Get out!"

"Britney please let me just ex--"


"You know I should be the one mad right now, but I'm trying to be civil."

"Oh yeah, and why should you be the mad one right now Nash, you left me their bleeding and in pain, then ran off with your little girlfriends after calling me trash. I should be even angrier with you, but this is my way of being civil."

"Yeah well Acacia told me stuff about you that you didn't bother to tell me, and I was really mad"

"Acacia!? Acacia!?!?!? That lying girl. You're gonna believe anything she says? Just. Just go Nash"

"Wait let me just ex-"

"No Nash Go!!", I yell before slamming the door in his face.
Nash didn't return that night... and neither did Cameron.

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