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*1 Week Later*

My Aunts finally being released from the hospital today and I'm so happy, but also kinda sad. Cam and Nash have been staying at my house at night so that Im not alone, and I really didn't want them to leave. School was no better. I had 1 class with Nash, and the advisor had changed Camerons schedule so much that I only had 2 classes with him. I was glad there was only about a month left of school but I was also upset that I wasn't seeing Cam and Nash as much as before. At lunch, Acacia and her girls would steal them away from me and leave me alone with my thoughts. Usually suicide.

"Hey Brit", Cam said sitting down next to me in the seat he had reclaimed. "So, how was your day", he asked. ever since they changed his classes, I havent really seen Cameron in the hallways which meant it was a free chance for everyone to bully me. They knew better when he was around. "Good, Yours?", I asked. I couldn't tell him about the bullying, I didnt want anymore drama. "Ah its been a drag. I'm so tired and I woke up late this morning and -" I got so lost in his eyes that for a while I didnt hear a word he was saying. "Ms. Pierce!", the teacher said. "Mr. Dallas, Do you think I didnt notice you're return to your old seat? Do I need to move you again?" "No sir", he replied. "Anyway. Hey what happened to your cheek", he asked me noticing the small bruise. I tried my best to cover it up with makeup but I guess I didn't try hard enough. "Oh I hit my cheek on the side of my cabinet.", I lied. I had actually gotten slapped really hard by this girl. I would've chased her down, but I couldn't. I kind of also haven't eaten in 3 days. My life was hell and I knew it, and the voices in my head were telling me "Fix this. You can eat, you can be happy", but there were also the ones telling me "No. You'll lose weight, then you'll be able to make more friends. You'll be popular again if you lose a little" I was so torn, and it was horrible. I missed those couple of days I had with Nash and Cameron when they first came to the school.

"You sure. Did someone hurt you! Tell me Britney", he said. Ugh I couldn't keep anything from him. "It was Kristen. The tenth grader" "Mr. Johnson can I use the bathroom", he immediately said getting up and walking out the class. I was totally releaved and surprised that he didnt overreact or get mad. Whew!

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