Somebody's Somebody

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"Hey", Cameron said, making me jump. "Hi", I said, closing my locker, turning away from him, and walking to class. "So. You never finished telling me that name of yours", he said with a slight smirk. "You never bothered telling me yours. You just ran off with... With that", I said pointing towards Acacia who was kissing some random guy up against a locker. "I asked you first though", he said. "Hi bestfriend", he yelled flipping up a part of Acacias long blonde hair as we walked pass. "Well this is my class", I said as I walked into a room. "Well i hope you didn't forget that quick. It's mine too", he said with a smirk. Gosh I wanted to rip his lips off his face so there'd be no more cute little smirks. We took seats in the back of the class waited for the teacher to arrive. "So bestfriends huh? You and Acacia!?", I asked. "I won't answer even one of your questions until you tell me your name", he said. "Ugh its Britney, Britney Pierce." "Omg like Britney Spears", he said laughing every step of the way. "Mr. Dallas. Is something funny?", our Chemistry teach Dr. Little asked. "Perhaps you might want to move away from Ms. Pierce", he added pointing to a seat in the front of the class. "So Cameron Dallas is his name huh? Hmmm. I like it", I thought as he got up and walked towards the front of the class.

"Hey", A voice said. It was actually kind of weird being in school and not being ignored by everyone, even teachers. I turned around to Nash standing there, blue eyes and all. "Well hello Mr. Grier", I said in a kind of fancy british accent. I closed my locker and was just about to go home. "So where are you going", he asked. "Home, you?" "Oh I'm gonna go hang out with Acacia and Cameron and some of their friends. You should come, you know like my plus one.", he stated. Just the thought of being anywhere near them made me angry, and sad, and laugh all at the same time. "Is... Something wrong?", he asked. "Oh no no no" I said, catching my breath. "But no sorry, I can't come" "Oh come on cutie, I know you don't wanna just go home and go to sleep", he said. As much as he was right, Id rather bury myself alive than go anywhere with that group of disgusting human beings, and wait, did he just call me cutie. "Sorry, can't. Maybe some other time, or should I say some other people" "Ooooo do I smell drama... Or nah?", he said and I died. I literally couldn't even. But literally, I literally couldn't even. I had walked out into the street on a red light laughing, and a car was coming directly my way. Nash grabbed my arm and yanked me back onto the sidewalk, onto safety, and into a big hug. I looked up into his deep blue eyes and he was staring deeply into mine. "Are you ok", a voice yelled breaking our focus. I turned to the left to see the guy from the car walking towards me. "Yes, yes yes. Im so sorry I wasn't paying attention.", i said to him wiping off my chest after pulling away from Nash. "Be more careful next time girl, you could've died.", he yelled walking back to his car. After that Nash and I walked towards my house in complete silence, and he even held my hand at every crossing. It was so cute. When we finally reached my house the silence was broken. "Please come with us", he begged. "Acacia and her friends are really cool, and they really just welcomed me and Cameron into their group. Im sure you'll like them" He looked so serious, like he needed me there instead of wanting me there. "Im sorry Nash, I can't. I have too much history with them that I can't get over that easily. Maybe another time." I turned around and started unlocking my door when I heard him walking up the stairs. "Well if you won't come with me then i'll just stay here with you", he said with a slight smirk. "But Nash your friends ar-", "Im not gonna let you stay alone on a Friday night bae", he said putting his index finger on my lips, and pushing me inside slowly.

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