[6] "I have a feeling I'm going to show you a lot of things."

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[6] "I have a feeling I'm going to show you a lot of things."

Teddy and Desiree walked down the halls in the direction of her Spanish class. From his interactions with her last night, he knew she was extremely shy. He wasn't familiar with girls like her, most were bold and would approach him first and ask for a date. He would take his dad's advice and tread lightly when it came to Desiree.

"So I didn't know that you were a student here. I'm sure I would've ran into you or heard about you from someone."

"I just started," she said softly.

"What year are you?" he asked leading her upstairs to the second floor.

"11th, they were going to place me as a sophmore but then realized that I was ahead a year."

"This is my last year. It's a trip to even imagine leaving school and stepping out into the real world," he said continuing to make conversation.

"I can't wait," she replied with a small smile.

Teddy thought it was cute that her glasses were falling down. "Why is that?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "My parents, well my dad is controlling. I'm ready to be on my own."

"I can relate, my dad is hard on me too but only because he wants the best for my future."

"Your mom seems nice," Desiree commented.

"She's amazing. I'm not ashamed to admit I'm a mama's boy. I have two little sisters but I'm the only boy."

"I have an older sister but she isn't around."

Teddy stopped walking and pointed to the classroom door. "This is it." He realized that he should've took the longer route to get there. He liked getting to know Desiree.

"Thanks for walking me."

Desiree reached for the door handle but Teddy stopped her. "How about we get together after school? My aunt owns a little bakery that you would love."

"I want to but I can't. I'm sorry," she apologized.

"Are you working at my mom's store?"

"No I'm only scheduled for the weekends. Yesterday was the exception."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

Desiree shook her head and blushed slightly. "No."

Well damn. Teddy didn't like the taste of rejection. It was an unfamiliar feeling. "Okay, see you around Desiree." He turned to walk away.

"I'm not allowed to date. If I could, I would say yes," she shouted.

Teddy faced her again. "What about getting together with a group? I can introduce you to my friends."

"I'll ask my parents. Thanks again. Bye," she replied before rushing into the classroom.

It was a small start. Maybe he could talk to her dad and show him that he was a good guy. Teddy walked away with a smile on his face. He had never been so infatuated with a girl. He was currently in the middle of his free period so he went to the library to study. Usually Sammie would come join him but his cousin was MIA. He sent him a text but Sammie didn't respond.


With ten minutes to spare during the period,
Teddy packed his books up and went in the direction of Mrs. Ramos's class. He took his phone out of his pocket and sent a text message to Nevaeh.

Vay don't wait on me.

It was routine for them to walk to class together.

I'm not at school.

Where are you? He texted back.

No response.


Wtf? Teddy put his phone away as the bell rung and said hello to a few of his classmates before waiting for Desiree to come out the classroom. He saw her confusion when she saw him.

"I came to be your tour guide, I didn't want you getting lost," he explained. "Where are you headed?"

She pulled her schedule out. "English III with Mrs. Mizzoni"

"It's located in the same hallway as my AP English class." He grabbed her hand without thinking and started leading her in that direction.

Desiree looked down at their hands together. Teddy noticed.

"Is this too much?" he asked holding their hands up in the air. "The halls get crowded, I don't want you to get left behind."

"It's fine."

Teddy eyed her skeptically. He knew right away that Desiree didn't have much contact with the opposite sex. The slightest thing had her nervous and flushed.

"Did your parents lock you in a tower where no one could reach you? Should I call you Rapunzel instead of Desiree?" he asked playfully tugging her long ponytail.

She was blushing again. "Yeah pretty much, but it was a mini mansion not a tower. You watch Disney movies?"

Teddy laughed. "I have no shame. I have twin sisters at home that love to dress me up for tea parties."

"I would love to see that."

"You will...eventually, I have a feeling I'm going to show you a lot of things," he promised. Teddy tugged her hand. "Come on princess let's get to class."

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