[49] "This is the way things should be."

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AN: I'm fine. Life is still crazy but I'm learning to manage it all. I haven't spent much time on WP but I don't mind if you all contact me on FB or IG. I love looking at your pics and learning about you all. My profile names are listed in the "about me" section. xoxoxoxo -Tosh

This isn't edited.

[49] "This is the way things should be."

A month later

Nevaeh sat on the barstool of the kitchen island and watched her mother, Avery, move around preparing breakfast. Usually by now she would be on her way to school but she was purposely waiting so she could talk to her mom. She had a lot of her mind and needed some advice.

"Are you okay, stir fry?" Avery smiled a little as she flipped another pancake. She knew something was bothering Nevaeh for a few days now. Instead of asking she waited until her daughter was ready to talk things out. "You haven't been sleeping well lately."

It was true. Nevaeh was often up at night over analyzing everything in her life. She thought about the present, past and future. She thought about her friends and their upcoming graduation. She also thought about her family and lastly, Sammie often occupied her mind.

"Mommy, you already know what's wrong."

"Not necessarily true. I can sense that something is bothering you but it's just my mother's intention." Avery plated the pancakes and chopped strawberries on top before sprinkling powdered sugar to finish it off. She passed the plate to her daughter. "Talk and eat. I have to get to work."

"Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?" Nevaeh asked after taking a bite.

"Yes," Avery answered quickly.

Nevaeh waited for more elaboration. "And...?"

"And what? I believe that there's always a purpose to everything we experience. Big or small, we're supposed to learn something. Only a fool wouldn't appreciate the lesson."

"Hmmmn." Was that her mother's way of calling her a fool? Damn.

Avery took a sip of coffee and smiled at Nevaeh. "Is there something in particular you're worried about?"

"Nope." She popped her p as she said the word.

Avery chuckled. "Are you sure about that? I know there has been a lot going on with your friends and I know that you and Sammie never made up. Is it about that?"

Nevaeh sighed. "It's about everything. You said that we're supposed to learn from every experience. I'm just trying figure out exactly what I'm supposed to be learning."

Avery walked around the island and embraced her daughter. "You'll figure it out at the right time. I promise. Go to school. London is waiting for you."

Nevaeh rolled her eyes. "What does that mean?"

"Nothing," Avery replied with a smile.

Nevaeh couldn't catch up with London until lunch. Something was going on but she couldn't put her finger on it. Her best friend was scheming. She could see it in her eyes. Just as she was about to ask London what she was planning her best friend interrupted her.

"Is this what we've resulted to?" London voiced to Nevaeh as they sat at the lunch table alone.

Nevaeh's eyes traveled across the room to where Sammie, Teddy and Christopher sat. The boys were across the cafeteria eating with a few other guys from their senior class. "I guess so." She shrugged her shoulder nonchalantly. "We only have a few weeks left anyway to deal with it." They would go their separate ways and she looked forward to it. Seeing Sammie everyday hurt her heart.

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